A highly trained one. Why?

A complex question cannot take one minute or one sentence structure to placate the format of thought that would not entertain a necessary discussion. The discussion must be productive.

It requires a CON-versation. If people are satisfied with a quick answer, they are the problem. They encourage mishaps. They most likely defend them. These are called excuses.

What is worthy discussion is the proper formulation to a rule, getting to the ‘devil in the details'. It is called conscious. That is our active and aware internal warning system that alerts us what we should not do.

This is a warning, its internal and its sacred. This is what keeps people alive under pressures unknown.

Precisely the determination in a moment facing death, mortality, not existing, can be held within a fraction of a second decision.

What was it in me that caused me to ride head on into a mountain of a moving wall of ocean water, instead of turning and running in panic? And not one wave, but a train of waves out to sea on a very small power boat, which makes no sense.
I made a decision based off of a bevy of input that was manifest inside me through hard work, attending to the details and listening to God. That internal guide of life, the miracles we cannot explain.

There is an answer to this. It’s not the one people want to hear.

What does highly trained offer to the profound listener? They know what is coming. They can anticipate the situation unfolding in front of them and they understand what their positioning should be in advance.

This is become they do not lack the know-how. It is understood that those who cannot handle effectively the risks, known or unknown are behind the curve of anticipation. They are delayed, waiting for something to happen to face it and apply facts. Underway you have to be 3 steps ahead, not 6 steps behind. This is not complex reasoning, its common sense.

The potential of what we are hunting is to secure a future experience of a conscious goal we want to attain. If that goal is haphazard, a poor imitation or an apprehension of reality, the selection will actualize in a terrible result. This is a strong possibility.

If the actual experience is not realized as a successful mission, the preparation was wrong. This must be attended to; it is called remedial action. The problem is this type of person is already dangerous.

They have no platform of realistic measures versus a potential never realized. This is the trap. They put the past forward of the future and reward mishaps, don’t accept or realize the poor choices.

There is an ethical argument regarding these kinds of choices, these poor performers, these haphazard programs. The safety of the program is held hostage in the actions of the program. If they don’t exist, it will be easy to see in truth.

We’ve attained enough historical evidence to see this as a pandemic of neglect instead of an encounter of Watermanship behaviors.


The problem is the handlers of the boat or the program are not good. Our goal is to create that which is good, that means we are accountable.

The pressures, risks and demands are not on the boat. Those who earned it by vetting, are. They don’t operate under a lie. It requires effort, dedication and study. Study in the books, and study on the water; study of the craft.

They are not learning it be trying to recreate it. Mishaps are not glorified as capability, but admonished as failure.

They don’t think that free is full steam ahead. They invest in their behavioral learning.

Knowing that the process of acquisition of knowledge is the way.


Our training decisions have to be right.

Or our field decisions will be wrong.

When people want a free, fast, short answer, it’s precisely the time to get away from them. Don’t let them on your boat and do not go on the water with them. Stop the harm.

Encourage them to get properly trained and engage in the boating education process. Nobody can help a broken ego fix itself, but you can protect your own by ethical choices.

Start thinking and performing on a level that your operational choices can transform Watermanship as an actual function and represent our community instead of harming it.

Instead of being tempted to make horrific mistakes, understand that you control the helm.

The boat does not hit the rock, capsize or lose control.

And here we have the truth of our choices, what we select is our responsibility. It is not potential; it is what we did right from the start.

Faithfully yours,



Posted: July 17, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

COVID-19 and Use of Masks in the Water



N95 respirator ‘filtering’ face masks (FFRs) often are recommended and sometimes required for respiratory protection against infectious aerosol. There are various peer reviewed medical discussions and studies conducted on the use of respiration protection.

Recently we are observing a number of Rescue Water Craft (RWC or Personal Water Craft - PWC) recommendations for their use while underway, without reciprocal evidence to challenge the safety of this practice.

Likewise, there is significant controversy regarding one verifiable source that determines the who, what, when where and why with a contradictory reciprocal source. So, who is telling us the truth? Such as is the case with the current virus that came out of Wuhan, China in late 2019 and became known worldwide as COVID-19.

These on-water wearing measures did not make sense to me from a Watermanship experience. I decided to pull out a N95 mask and provide a simple, factual and effective demonstration on why I do not recommend my K38 Instructors to wear a face covering on the water while conducting Rescue Water Craft operations.

The 14 masks used in the test.
Neck fleeces, also called gaiter masks and often used by runners, were the least effective. In fact, wearing a fleece mask resulted in a higher number of respiratory droplets because the material seemed to break down larger droplets into smaller particles that are more easily carried away with air.

Folded bandanas and knitted masks also performed poorly and did not offer much protection.

"We were extremely surprised to find that the number of particles measured with the fleece actually exceeded the number of particles measured without wearing any mask," Fischer said. "We want to emphasize that we really encourage people to wear masks, but we want them to wear masks that actually work."


I have thousands and thousands of de novo hours working on the water in every type of weather condition and all waterway levels around the world; day and night. In fact, more than any human on Earth at this time. I have worn balaclavas since the early 1990’s. Due to inclement weather while working in extreme water conditions to cold or high wind conditions. Balaclavas have limitations and are a compliment to the risk environment we operate in.

The use of a balaclava has assisted me with the reduction of wind chill effects. Everyone who has seriously worked a Rescue Water Craft boat knows the effect is not a sunburn, but wind burn on the face of exposed skin. Hence the entry use of the full face and neck covering referred to as ‘balaclava’. Not to be confused with the utterly delicious baklava.

There are concerns however. These balaclavas are best used not to of thick material made of felt or similar. The water saturation levels can be significant. My experience after buying over 60 of these for testing, and different uses in the water have taught me that the thinnest material is the best. And why is that you ask?

Oxygen reduction when placed under physical exertion is a reality wearing one of these face shields. We use a full head covering that covers the entire length of the neck and leaves an opening for goggles.

Operating a Rescue Water Craft is considered an ‘active ride’. Also, the compliment of eye protection equally assists in preventing loss of vision or injury. The fogging effect of goggles is a second discussion to be concerned about. Balaclava breathing holes help, but that would defeat the purpose of airborne particle dispersion.

How many people have you heard complain who are shopping and wearing masks for the first time stating that their glasses are fogging up? Yup. There it is.

I learned the limitations of covering my nasal and oral passages under exertion, at speed, with gale force winds, serious temperature changes and intense painful rainfall. The experience of having a box of nails thrown at my face (your face) traveling at 35 miles per hour with 30 knots of wind is not a pleasant experience.

A Balaclava is a huge help, however breathing patterns are more strained. If working in a saltwater environment the concentration of salt will build up over hours; a corrosive influence against skin or lip contact.

Our body fights back and increases drainage, specifically the faucet starts to run on snot and mucus that our bodies create from struggling to maintain optimum balance against these environmental balances. Operating a Rescue Water Craft is not a dry experience. It is a ‘wet and saturated ride’. That is why Coxswains and crew wear specific water Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and not dry garments or uniforms. This is due to ‘exposure’.

Operating through surf is considered ‘high to extreme risk’ due to the fact that a hard-hulled power boat can capsize. The Man Over Board (MOB) potential is a true reality. These extreme operating zones required proper vetting of both the crew and the equipment used, including PPE. Keep It Simple Stupid, KISS is a good rule.

Navigating inside the surf zone eventually will determine the Coxswain must operate the craft up over wave after wave of varying intensity and height. This creates an overall splash down effect of the exterior of the craft, TAD (Towable Aquaplane Device aka rescue board) and those on board. N95 respirator masks will not make it out here. Some balaclavas may become a hinderance instead of an advantage. Bandanas are loosely fitting and have air flow voids; helmets may not fit properly and cause the helmet to ride forward towards the eyebrows.

This 'wet down' behavior applies to certain fetch, angle and steepness of swell or river class of navigation. Wind can also whip up spray, and the vessel itself can create a ‘spray curtain’ depending upon the Coxswain ability and navigating determination.

Qualified Coxswains and Crew wear full water rescue PPE, this means full finger water gloves. These gloves are also saturated. They must wear a water style helmet. The helmet can collect and drain water along with gloves.
How much water is held within saturated gloves? How much in a saturated face mask?

To be a qualified professional Rescue Water Craft Coxswain is a heady responsibility. One must multi task on multiple operational levels while underway. Psolar.BX Balaclava is one of interest but I have not tested this product yet. Typically, Balaclavas are for heat exchange for facial exposure, primarily used in snowmobile, bikes, motorcycles and any fast-moving activity against the exposure of wind chill, burn, rain or snow. But rarely water.

A fouled mask that causes an effect similar to reduced oxygen flow and the potential for inhalation of water is a thousand MEME dream come true. I can’t breathe! Because it is probably true.


Let’s ask a stupid question: How is a respirator mask or face covering going to protect crew who operates on a vessel that is at the water line and maintain the efficacy of the rule of safety for ‘face masks, with wet gloves, wet helmet and wet PPE?

Undeniable we will get either jackass comments or realistic professional responses. There is only one answer.

It is impossible and improbable. But it does allow people to pretend they are doing something, even if its wrong.

So why are Rescue Water Craft personnel rushing to jump on the silly train? Where is their evidence and justification? Where is their safety argument? I offer you my professional evaluation, and encourage your own.

The decision to not wear a qualified type and proper fit for a N95 respirator that prevents COVID-19 droplet contact while working with a Rescue Water Craft at the shores edge or on the water during training or operations is based upon thousands of hours of evidence-based practical and real-world experience.

N95 rated masks are considered respirators due to their ability to filter 95% of particles in the environment using static electricity. Let me stress that is a ‘dry’ environment.

These masks in the USA are tested and approved by the National Institute for Occupational safety and Health referred to as NIOSH. Each fit must be ergonomic to facial shape to ensure a snug and tight fit.

Rescue Water Craft Coxswains are being asked in an occupational field to be compliant. However, there is no solution for working on, in or over the water with a proper respirator while underway in active environments.

These masks must be properly and tightly fitted with minimal leakage to be effective. Not gonna happen.

What if you are asthmatic? The World Health Organization described asthma as a common lung condition that causes sporadic breathing difficulties. Adding that its strongest risk factors are inhaled substances and particles that may provoke allergic reactions or irritate the airways.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) clearly explain the medical health risk justification for not wearing a face mask while working; on, in or contact with the water due to risk of personal and team safety.

This could cause a serious accident, injury, loss of the vessel, damage to the equipment or in extreme cases due to location; death.

‱ People should not wear cloth face coverings while engaged in activities that may cause the cloth face covering to become wet, like when swimming at the beach or pool. A wet cloth face covering may make it difficult to breathe. For activities like swimming, it is particularly important to maintain physical distance from others when in the water.
‱ People who are engaged in high intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a cloth face covering if it causes difficulty breathing
. If unable to wear a cloth face covering, consider conducting the activity in a location with greater ventilation and air exchange (for instance, outdoors versus indoors) and where it is possible to maintain physical distance from others.
‱ People who work in a setting where cloth face coverings may increase the risk of heat-related illness or cause safety concerns due to introduction of a hazard (for instance, straps getting caught in machinery) may consult with an occupational safety and health professional to determine the appropriate face covering for their setting. Outdoor workers may prioritize use of cloth face coverings when in close contact with other people, like during group travel or shift meetings, and remove face coverings when social distancing is possible.

Water penetration is significant with wearing any of the following covering the airway (nasal/oral) while underway:

1. Folded Cotton Bandana
2. Thin Fabric Balaclava
3. N95 Respirator Mask

Or a combination thereof. This also forces a safety problem for Coxswain and Crew eye protection (Eyebrow) causing the interior of the lends to fog up at a faster rate.

This is a serious safety problem for underway operations. Vapor steaming the interior of the lens during normal operations is a concern and greatly enhances with additional temperature changes and physical exertion breathing patterns. Goggles are used with a close-fitting seal against the face.

Helmets structure can alter this fit and adding any additional layers below the frame alter the safe use of goggles inherent use protocols.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states the following emphasizing the words MAY, MOST LIKELY:

‱ ‘Cloth face coverings may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. Cloth face coverings are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when they are widely used by people in public settings
‱ Cloth face coverings should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance
‱ Cloth face coverings are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the cloth face covering coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice. This is called source control
‱ The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.
Cloth face coverings should not be worn by:
‱ Children younger than 2 years old
‱ Anyone who has trouble breathing
‱ Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance
‱ In some situations, wearing a cloth face covering may exacerbate a physical or mental health condition, lead to a medical emergency, or introduce significant safety concerns. Adaptations and alternatives should be considered whenever possible to increase the feasibility of wearing a cloth face covering or to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading if it is not possible to wear one.


Surgical Masks
CDC: ‘Cloth face coverings are not surgical masks or respirators. Currently, those are critical supplies that should continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance. Cloth face coverings also are not appropriate substitutes for them in workplaces where masks or respirators are recommended or required and available.’

Testing the Efficacy of Homemade Masks: Would They Protect in an Influenza Pandemic?

Objective: This study examined homemade masks as an alternative to commercial face masks.

Methods: Several household materials were evaluated for the capacity to block bacterial and viral aerosols. Twenty-one healthy volunteers made their own face masks from cotton t-shirts; the masks were then tested for fit. The number of microorganisms isolated from coughs of healthy volunteers wearing their homemade mask, a surgical mask, or no mask was compared using several air-sampling techniques.

Results: The median-fit factor of the homemade masks was one-half that of the surgical masks. Both masks significantly reduced the number of microorganisms expelled by volunteers, although the surgical mask was 3 times more effective in blocking transmission than the homemade mask.

Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.


Wet PPE, N95 masks

Employees of the government-run ambulance service provider 108 complained that personal protective equipment is difficult to work in as it gets soaked, and it is difficult to breathe through wet N95 masks. N-95 masks, which are made of non-woven polypropylene fabric, are not waterproof. Once wet, they are difficult to breathe through.
“We don’t get waterproof face shields so when the mask gets wet, we have no option but to remove it and wear a new one once inside,” said another ambulance worker from 108. This means the ambulance workers expose themselves to infection in a contaminated area while changing masks.


Understanding the Differences infographic:


As well as providing this guidance to the public, the Yolo County Health Department is also advising the cautious use of N95 respirators for the following reasons:
‱ N95 respirators can make it more difficult for the wearer to breathe due to carbon dioxide build up, which reduces the intake of oxygen, increased breathing rates and heart rates.
‱ People with chronic respiratory, cardiac or other medical conditions that make breathing difficulty should check with their healthcare provider before using an N95 respirator.
‱ To work as expected, an N95 respirator requires a proper fit to your face.
‱ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not generally recommend facemasks and respirators for use in home or community settings.
‱ N95 use may lead to increased heart rate, respiratory rate, work of breathing, carbon dioxide buildup in micro-ambient air and heat stress -- potentially posing risk to sensitive populations.
‱ Use of masks may encourage outdoor activity which could worsen exposure.
‱ N95 masks are not recommended for children due to the impact on breathing.

Please follow the above recommended actions to stay healthy and safe. For more information regarding air quality and public health in Yolo, visit: www.ysaqmd.org.

Study of the micro-climate and bacterial distribution in the dead space of N95 filtering face respirators
During inhalation, the temperature of the core region decreases gradually until the end of the breath cycle.

Meanwhile, the temperature of the core region is slightly higher than that of the surrounding region because the core region is closer to the nostrils. Overall, the temperature of dead space is approximately 6 K higher than the ambient temperature of 296.25 K.

Figure 5 shows the cross-sectional view of the water vapor volume fraction in the upper respiratory system during the 101st breath cycle. It can be found that the water vapor volume fraction around the FFR rises rapidly during exhalation, and the largest concentration of water vapor occurs at the core region at 483.0 s (end of exhalation). It is apparent that the concentration of water vapor decreases during inhalation.


Physiological Impact of the N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator on Healthcare Workers

Conclusions: In healthy healthcare workers, FFR did not impose any important physiological burden during 1 hour of use, at realistic clinical work rates, but the FFR dead-space carbon dioxide and oxygen levels were significantly above and below, respectively, the ambient workplace standards, and elevated P (CO2) is a possibility. Exhalation valve did not significantly ameliorate the FFR's P (CO2) impact.


NIOSH routinely makes recommendations regarding the use of respirators for workers exposed to environments that contain hazardous concentrations of airborne contaminants or oxygen-deficient atmospheres. This document provides industrial hygienists and other professionals knowledgeable in respirator selection with a procedure for selecting suitable classes of respirators for particular concentrations of specific contaminants.


N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Dead space Temperature and Humidity
The objective of this study was to determine the levels of heat and humidity that develop within the dead space of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (N95 FFR).

FFR mean moisture retention was < 0.3 grams over 2 hr. N95 FFR/EV offer a significant advantage in dead space heat dissipation over N95 FFR at a low-moderate work rate over 1 hr. of continuous use but offered no additional benefit in humidity amelioration. Moisture retention in N95 FFR and N95 FFR/EV is minimal after 2 hr. of use. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the following free supplemental resource: a file containing N95 filtering facepiece respirator dead space mean RH and temperature recordings for 17 subject’s treadmill exercising at 5.6 Km/H over 1 hour.]. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22413894/

Americans with Disabilities Act determined that you are not required if you fall under ADA categories to disclose your medical condition to anyone regarding ‘not wearing a face covering or mask’.


Continue your own research. Reach out to Subject Matter Experts. Open the #WARESed diaglogue. Don't follow untested methods without engaging in research, study and dialogue. This is good advice to all our fellow water safety partners. Tread lightly or don't tread at all, or you may sink.

And Balaclavas are great! Ask me how I know?

Faithfully yours,



Posted: July 9, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

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Please do not make us gear that we purchase before its ready for field work. Let's engage in a #WARESed conversation.

Put appropriate time and measures into product design and the end result so we can move our maritime culture forward instead of a holding pattern restricting our progress.

We need to modernize our gear list but we need credible and safe equipment that is ready to do the job at the point of purchase.

How many of us have relied on a reference from a colleague then purchased the item to realize that person didn't know what they were talking about and now that poor investment sits in a corner not being used?

That is really hard on the budget and it holds back our potential to solve critical problems we face in life and death situations.

K38 relies on our maritime history, we continue to encourage you to adopt our mindset regarding lessons learned from the past. There is no excuse we can accept today to not listen to these warnings.

We cannot afford to repeat history, but allow it to mentor our path forward.

Beta Test-From the Merriam-Webster dictionary; a field test of the beta version of a product especially by testers outside the company developing it that is conducted prior to commercial release.

Back in 1983 the computer was emerging with a variety of test fields surrounding its function, design and utility use, this is where the term was first coined.

Today it is applied to a variety of discussions regarding new ideas applied to pre-production to get the product ready for sale.

K38 relies on history because history does not lie, but it is often ignored by the ignorant, those resistors of change and progress.

Here is a maritime war history example from Europe in our grandfathers generation: During WWII the Germany Nazi war movement had a fleet of submarines called U-Boats that operated in wolf packs.

They hoped their torpedoes would take out the merchant fleets as part of their war strategy.

Off the shores of Poland’s Gydnia is a historical maritime example that was called the Kriegsmarine Submarine Arms Research Center. Referred to today as “Torpedownia”.

Their U-Boat program was experiencing a 30% detonation failure on torpedoes. The Nazis were unable to catch up with the Allies. The only problem is they had a problem. They were mounting losses quickly.

The facility design need was aggressive, critical from their previous test methods lacked vital research results.

However this testing facility came too late after the fact; their timing was not able to save them.

Torpedownia came along too late in the war strategy because the Nazi’s were already behind the pattern in the game. All for the lack of beta testing. Thankfully this did not work out in their favor.

This is warfare maritime history. Today we can relate to these lessons that are written in history, there are many storied examples you can reference and you should.

Failures are dependent on proper beta testing to have been the prominent element in the goals of design. Without this production will reap heavy failures. Brand reputation will suffer and so will those who purchase and buy into the promise of a new solution to a critical problem.

Unfortunately, we have our own disasters to contend with.

Companies or people who have an idea, perhaps they are not maritime engineers, not from the maritime community, do not have 10,000 proven hours or ten years of storied experienced with a Rescue Water Craft. But the idea concept is good. What should be the testing criteria from idea to field?

Or perhaps their testing expert or concept designers have never conducted a true rescue under critical pressure, been in a storm, at night, a flood, a disaster zone, a river, and so you get the picture. How did they evaluate their experiences and are they documented for review? then they are not an expert, do not trust your life with their words.

Maybe they only interviewed from a place of hubris and did not branch out to reach ten other persons to get ten input directions, instead of the tunnel vision of one passage in a zone.

The framework of success lies in the strategy of the pattern, not the concept of use. This is where I excel in the mode of chronological expertise.

Ideas are easy to come by the thousands, everyone has an idea, but the 'devil is in the details', right?

Success is determined by the answers often ignored because testing was not a measure of success, but hubris for the idea or concept. When I test, I test first for the failure, not the goal, but the ways this product can fail or how it may impede specific behaviors or actions.

Critical detailed research has to be mapped out. I am very good at this regarding our training methods and the products we will use.

However, from my estimation, experience and equipment use we simply do not have proper supporting gear. We are borrowing it from other water safety fields and even then, I question why we are using some of these products.

Some are marginal. They don’t fill our use. They are not structural sound, may even lack effective testing and have no laboratory exposure.

The problem once again is a lack of experts who fill in the role of an 'Emperor with no Clothes'. These self appointed gurus will sell suspect gear, promote it and their followers then poorly imitate their example. This is not a good role model for our community. Ask me how I know?

Speak up when you see somebody wearing poor gear or use, or worse yet promoting it! Because if do not speak up and question the presentation you will be supporting the failure of a colleague. And who wants a brother or sister in our water safety culture to fail?

It is your responsibility to ask effective questions about product and conduct appropriate research.

When I ask a company or a salesman tell me the story of this products testing, there is a moment of suffering.

A typical reaction is ‘tested by this group’
they throw down a recognizable name, but that means nothing to me. What matters to me is where are the test methods employed by this legendary group or person? Silence.

How many hours did this legendary group or person test, say maybe 100 hours? Silence

How many failures were experienced during their testing experience? Silence

How many revisions were based off the Beta Testing of these so-called legends were compiled? Silence

These are people with no evidence to prove they are capable of testing products effectively.

They do not qualify to test without ensuring they have documented evidence to back up their name.

They could be a great gal or guy, but that's not the point. Why should I or you trust our life with a simple assessment of 'nice guy'.

This is why K38 buys a lot of gear, tests it for a season, 100 hours or a year before we enjoy saying ‘yes we approve of this product to use for our field need’. We do what others neglect, this is another justification of my Subject Matter Expertise.

It's not my name, its my safety mindset behavior that is concerned about the culture and my fellow brothers and sisters in our community and the equipment we employ.

When I touch a new helmet for review I design my test method around all our colleagues worldwide; their wife or husband, their children, their agency, their colleagues, so you get the picture.

Sadly, there is not that many that pass the ISO standards by simply saying their constructive materials are part of the sales pitch. Slapping a reference for a standard is a sucker punch if you don’t research what that standard represents and how it applies to your field work.

It is hard to source good gear. It typically not for our discipline, we are adapting a large amount of equipment from other uses. It's also difficult for these companies to make specific use gear because they need profit to keep making and testing gear. That translates into numbers.

Since a lot of our water safety disciplines are cross over responses, the gear funnel is narrow.

So how do you determine what a testing subject matter expert is? Contact K38 and we will show you what works and the testing methods and applications we employ. But be prepared to damage and destroy gear and to have it recorded as evolutionary design evidence.

I am confident to say if you can pass muster with K38 your product is sufficient to be called a ‘water safety’ product for field use. We are serious about our commitment to save lives.

Hence the Kawasaki Jet Ski, as the example. A tough hull, a well-balanced craft, a steady and stable craft with an easy re-boarding platform.

Yes, it is a recreationally designed personal water craft, however it is adaptable for a Rescue Water Craft because of its proven use in every water condition from floods, to surf, to open water during day and night, storms and tides.

Its proven its merit as a stable, steady working boat for moderate to high risk use by highly trained Coxswains. It doesn’t have the structural design elements that restrict some of our safety behaviors.

Keep in mind however that we as public safety responders are taking a recreational designed product and adapting our behaviors to work in austere instances that this boat was not to originally perform under.

The manufacturing process is set for a specific target audience. It is important to realize no matter what gear you employ that its intended use may not be in the manner you are utilizing it.

Therefore you assume the liability, so pay close attention. In fact you need to scrutinize and inspect surgically with precision of risk your behavior, training, environment and service life. You essentially are the end point of success or failure.

Hence the testing methods are even more critical to protect the integrity of the manufacturer’s intention as we modify drastically the safety application we desire. People often ask me what is the best PWC to use?

Well, that is an honorable question that requires our test methods and results to their specific need. I am the only person who has conducted such research that I have witnessed. I lead our community by effort, study and application. We have to care about our culture, not only our business alliances, or ideas, but one another.

The old saying ‘the proof is in the pudding’ refers to if you want to discover evidence from a homicide go check the pudding they ate for the arsenic poisoning.

All we need to do is look at photos and videos today to see the evidence-based facts on products, their utility use, the end user results and the failures. And many end users abuse the product recommendations and create an unsafe behavior that others will poorly imitated. Why is this? People fail to ask effective questions. They are weak.

How many so-called water safety products do you purchase that do not have a warranty printed? A user manual? A rating explanation? A 'Care and Inspection' list or guide? When do you retire the product? Where are the warning labels? And then the ones who do all of this are quite noticeable for good reason!

We need these companies who are brave and daring to take on the expense and risk of product design and development. We need to support their professional efforts on our behalf. We have to respect the use of their gear.

But please I beg of you, start with a working plan and not a bro deal. We encourage you to get it right by mapping our a strategy to the pattern of utility use, risk and test methods that are verifiable so we can quantify the productivity of the end result. Which is in our hands.

Please do not send your untested, unproven products or ideas to our water safety community as a sale item to purchase. We do not want to be guinea pigs at our own expense for beta testing your unfinished product design and risk our life and reputation.

So many times I have been at at training where people are 'testing' a new product. They put it on and in ten minutes 'they like it', but have no reason to say why they like it.

Are they simply comparing it to the past junk they were using? Possibly, and sometimes its about how good they look. I call that 'RESCUE FASHION'.

If your company is doing your beta testing and getting feedback from your client after purchase, you have no business designing lifesaving equipment, let alone selling it until you have completed your job. It should not be listed for purchase at this point but after all the fact based evidence has been compiled and sorted.

Lives depend upon it. Test as if it matters.

And be ready to provide us your evidence as proof of testing methods.

Because it matters very much to us and those we serve.

Beta test Merriam-Webster dictionary
War History Online: War History Online
Torpedownia, Gydnia, Poland Gydnia History Torpedownia


Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: May 2, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Oftentimes people have problems with their Personal Water Craft not running properly. There are of course many reasons for this. It will require an effective inspection.

First off I recommend a Service Manual and the Owner's Manual for the make, model and year of production of the Personal Water Craft you are working on.

I would suggest a simple inspection for you.

Get out your recommended tools for spark plug inspection tools, put on your safety glasses and gloves and start a simple diagnostic.

Most of the time the issues are battery, spark plug or contaminated fuel problems.

If you need to inspect your spark plugs, the wire boots have to be removed first. Be careful when removing.
Use a pair of spark plug pliers.

Look closely at your spark plug rubber covers (wire boots). I wrap mine in a rag and use carefully.

Look for any cracks, creases or separation.

Damage can happen by the person working on it when the boots are removed.

Why is that? Some of the cylinder heads have the plugs recessed, such as a Kawasaki Ultra model.

There can be good contact between the rubber and the metal making it difficult to remove the boot.

Sometimes people pull too hard or a use a sharp metal tool that can damage the rubber.

In our training courses our students are learning. Sometimes they do not quite understand yet and the pressure they exert they can accidentally break the rubber or pull the plug cap off.

Here is a photo of one on the header. They are easy to replace.

Remember when replacing to use dielectric grease. It does take time to get to know your model.


Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: April 24, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



This is a good one! I wrote this for you.

The most important thing in learning is to say 'yes or no'.

Think about this. When and why would you say yes?

Do not be afraid to say no. Often I look at a student and ask them two or three times; do you understand?

Then I ask them to repeat it.
It is obvious they do not know how to say 'no'.

Because they could not answer the question effectively.

It is not good enough to guess or assume.

It is deadly.

Ambiguity cannot exist in success. We must clearly define our intentions or the implications of our
behaviors will be second rate.

Sacrifice by being present in the matter of risk. It is not a word. It is an action.

This is critical.

You must be a THINKING BOATER, we are not trained monkeys, we consider and discuss all risks.

Be genuine, say yes when you are 100% sure, and no when you are 99.9% unsure.


Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: April 17, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.


WARES = Water Rescue Education

WARES is an ethical and altruistic movement to evolve water rescue worldwide.

WARES is a collaboration of fact-based evidence shared in the spirit of cooperation.

Sourced by those who are doing the job. This is not a strategy to train but to share crowd sourced educational and operational evidence from those who are on the water, on the boat, the survivors, and the stories of those who perished.

What went wrong, marginal or succeeded during incidents?
What Personal Protective Equipment has proven its merit? What needs to be adjusted or adopted?

WARES is the virtual proof from the results of a variety of responses from mutual aid public safety agency professionals to the volunteer or professional guide.

Every incident offers insight, wisdom and takebacks.

Many are manifest in the absolutes learned of accidents and injuries. What equipment was broke or damaged, how did it happen, was it preventable?

The results of poor behaviors and selection in the field or the quick and vetted maneuvers that proved worthy, we need to not lose these lessons, but pay close attention.


It is a contextual sourcing of global supporters who are ready to move ahead. Those stalwarts who believe in the ethos and risks entrusted to those who work the frontlines at the edge of a continent, the shore, aerial deliveries, the boat, the swimmer stroke.

We have CONversations which result in solutions, not repeated mishaps. We are not looking to reward the accident and excuse the lesson.

From those whom are at the helm. Join the movement, join the CONversation.
Hashtag #WARESed

A curated convention sourced around water rescue conversations brought to you by the minds and creators of rescue water craft safety and water rescue disciplines of a variety of educational outlets. This is our cultural world fairground for our future, our public need and for preservation of life, including our own.

WaterRescueCon is programmed for you to be a participant, it is like not like past, it is a stand-alone modern experience. Hashtag #WaterRescueCON

Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: April 10, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

Change is You

It's not spare change!

Change is the only way out of a dead end.

You are the word.

You are the change.

Be sure you imitate through scrutiny and not on your own.

You can't fake it till you make it.

Study and be genuine.

Because you matter.


Be a contributor to our maritime culture by leading the way, all the way around the world.

The time is now.

Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: April 10, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

Weather The Storm


Ahoy friends!

K38 is docked and riding out the storm in safe harbors all over the world. From Asia, South and North America, Australia, Europe and Africa, our pandemic quarantine is a gift to the health of humanity.

Our community was built for storms; dark nights, cold, wind and extreme hardship. We understand the loss of disaster.

We have had our hands and hearts upon it; our eyes witness devastation, been on the water and listened, heard the heartbreak with our ears, and worked with survivors and those who perished. But most importantly, our spirit and actions gifted to be a positive conduit of hope in bad situations.

We are ready for the difficulty of any struggle that nature and mankind delivers, as long as our health is intact.

This is who we are, this is our K38 family, our instructors, volunteers and qualified coxswains. These incredibly Unique personalities who can manage tragedy and not succumb to its disaster.

We are caretakers of the greater good on the wild and watery main.

Our community is a resilient one. We don’t feel sorry for ourselves, or reduce our potential because times get hard.

What we do is get stronger, gain spiritual awareness and become more determined and focused.

What do you want your finest moment to be? Will you be the person on the boat everyone can depend upon, even if harboring on shore? We believe you are that person.

Be brave. Have Courage. Take on the challenge the same way you head into the darkening storm; head down, eyes focused on the goal and a safe return to ready for the next call.

You are what is best in any human. We are essential beings who express spirit, determination and honor through service and sacrifice.


What we are not is weak. We are not cowards. We take the hard hits that everyone else is suffering with. We are a beacon of endurance. We never quit. We pray for everyone's well being and safety.

Our community has faced many challenges over the years. Wars devastate humanity and nations. It has been a long time we have not had to face such adversity. It is our turn. We can look to our ancestors and let them remind us of the things we need to do to stay steady. All generations overcome war, what we do is pay attention; quarantine.

This is the first of this type of war against our health and economy. We will not fold, cower or excuse. We will be ready to go to work, put our lives on the line like others depend upon whenever called.
Honor those who have died from this virus by being the best person you can be for what they will no longer experience. Rise up your capability and gratitude.

Meanwhile, what can we do besides support our local communities and families? Train!

We can study, prepare our equipment, assess the level of our capability and program needs. Make necessary changes and increase our capability. We can get back into our books and source material.

While we may not be on the water, we have been gifted a tremendous opportunity to reflect on our character, behaviors and attitude. Now is the time to review and correct.
Thank you to all the frontline defenders;

Nurses, doctors, law enforcement, volunteers, health care workers, respiratory therapists, mortuaries, delivery personnel, agriculture, pharmacies, non-profits, places of worship, stores, hospitality industry, airline and helicopter services, animal welfare groups, senior citizens, teachers and educators, virologists, bakers, candlestick makers, industrial, fabrication, automotive, entrepreneurs, corporations, plumbers, dentists, toilet paper companies, truck drivers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, maritime police, Coast Guardsmen, military personnel, politicians, decision and policy makers, students, instructors, scientists, researchers, EMS, IT industry, lawmakers, special forces, boat captains and crew, cruise liner industry, port authorities, aviation, mayors, governors, managers, governments, nations, the unborn, naysayers and the doers, chimney sweeps, candy maker, spiritual leaders, conductors and engineers, bus and taxi drivers, cowboys and cattlemen, machine operators, UAV pilots, snowplow drivers, roadway maintenacne, linemen, power companies, athletes, lifesavers, intensive care units, ventilator companies, PPE suppliers, salesmen, communication industry, garbage men, waste collectors, realtors, harbor departments, office personnel, restraunteers, servers, mass transit, airport workers, funeral services, energy sector, food processing, medical suppliers, fake media and journalists, gas stations and supply, mechanics, national security, clowns and comics, writers, wastewater workers, banking, economists, janitors, screen printers, clothing industry, printing, artists, herbalists, landscapers, and the list grows with every thought, you and others are not forgotten.

Be a contributor to our maritime culture by leading the way, all the way around the world.

The time is now.

Faithfully yours,

Shawn Alladio & K38


Posted: April 5, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.




Program review is the cornerstone strength of you team and mission.

The waterway on a inclement weather call can be not only hazardous for small craft but can rapidly decrease performance values that were not intially targeted in training.

Today is a great day to review any and all values to the mission and how they correlate with the program management.

If you have any questions, give us a shout!



Posted: February 29, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Proper Rescue Water Craft loading onto the trailer is dependent upon a few contributing factors.

We will take a look at suggestions you could use to help your RWC and trailer tie-downs.

In our K38 courses we are teaching the repetitive responsibilities from maintenance, to trailering to operations. There is a lot to learn!

This is specifically related to boat ramp launches.

Tidal considerations change the elevation of the placement of the trailer, don’t place too much of the trailer bunkers completely submerged.

Leave the forward leading edges of the guide bunks exposed.

The more float you have on the RWC the more obverse the angle will be for affixing the bow trailer tie down.

If you are using a hand winch from the trailer to the Rescue Water Craft bow eye, do not lose tension on the handle. If you fail to abide by the safety practices under load you can hurt yourself.

The winch handle will snap back under tension and strike your head or your forearm. Make sure you have a firm hand grip and align your body appropriately so you do not create an injury.

If this tie down or hand winch line is too taught, the bow will be in good position, however the stern of the craft(s) will be risen.

Make sure you are in a flat and level location and not on the boat ramp itself to correct this. This can lead to loss/damage of craft or injury.

Ensure that you have a stern safety strap in place if any incline. Do not disconnect the trailer from the tow vehicle.

This causes stress on the bow eye cleat.

Can damage the trailer tie down.

May lead to injury if hands and body position are not in a safe position from the release of the physical load back onto the trailer.

Do not lose the bow connector point with a fixed metal X hook or closure.

Make sure your Rescue Water Craft is properly loaded and centered on the bunks.

You should not have the stern of the Rescue Water Craft sticking out from the back of the trailer, it should end at the last part of the trailer in perfect alignment.

You may have to push the Rescue Water Craft forward if the RWC slides back.

When learning it is easy to forget the patterns in the sequence, that is quite normal. Repetition and a ‘walk around’ the trailer will clue you into what you missed.

So, lets go over it again:

1. Observe the angle of the floating Rescue Water Craft to the angle of the Trailer.
2. When you secure on a steep angle remember the RWC will slide back slightly when you pull forward when using a tie down strap. Most trailers have hand winches, but not all.
3. Pull up off the boat ramp and inspect the Rescue Water Craft to ensure it is level. If it is not, reset the bow tie strap.
4. Make sure your Rescue Water Craft is centered on the trailer bunks and not overhanging off the stern of the trailer. It should be aligned properly.

Certainly, you can add additional steps and corrections to this as you see fit. Not all trailers, winches, Rescue Water Craft and tie downs are the same.

You will have to interpret according to you own equipment and location for loading the necessary patterns.

The more you practice this, like all things in your RWC program, the better you will get.

Make sure your entire team knows about the ‘walk around’. At first learning is a bit of an overload because your mind is focusing. Over time you adapt and it becomes a normal behavior.

The more you practice, the better your mind relates to safety.

Remember: Safety is a Behavior.

Posted: February 27, 2020

Author: Shawn Alladio, Subject Matter Expert for RWC

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.