La Storia di K38 Italia – The Story of K38 Italy

La Storia di K38 Italia – The Story of K38 Italy

1999-2023 24 Years of Excellence

Mr. Fabio Annigoni is responsible for bringing the first Rescue Water Craft program to Europe in 1999. He formulated the first professional accreditation courses.

Fabio is a friend to all professional RWC coxswains. He revolutionized lifesaving in Italy through his efforts, sacrifices and dedication. He is a legacy instructor. He is instrumental in the development of Personal Water Craft event safety training and providing Course Marshal expertise.

Countries he was instrumental in developing Rescue Water Craft programs are the following:
1. Italy
2. Poland
3. Russia
4. Switzerland
5. Germany
Fabio also created the first European RWC Safety Summit and was instrumental in bringing in the first TAD (Towable Aquaplane Device, referred to as a ‘rescue board’) and getting certification for the TAD so public safety agencies in Europe could professionally develop their rescue boat skills.

Through his K38 efforts worldwide he has saved hundreds of lives and his students have contributed to even more lives saved. They are the success of K38 Italia.

In 2023, Fabio continues to professionally develop the program he started. He is training the next generation of instructors who will continue to hold the line of competency and lifesaving.

K38 Italia website

K38 Italia Facebook Page

Italia Sea Doo Training

Fabio Annigoni

In the beginning:
1999-2023 24 Anni di Eccellenza

Il Sig. Fabio Annigoni è responsabile di portare il primo programma Rescue Water Craft in Europa nel 1999. Ha formulato i primi corsi di accreditamento professionale.

Fabio è amico di tutti i timonieri professionisti della RWC. Ha rivoluzionato il salvataggio in Italia attraverso i suoi sforzi, sacrifici e dedizione. È un istruttore ereditario. È determinante nello sviluppo della formazione sulla sicurezza degli eventi di Personal Water Craft e nella fornitura di competenze di Course Marshal.

I paesi in cui è stato determinante nello sviluppo dei programmi Rescue Water Craft sono i seguenti:

1. Italia
2. Polonia
3. Russia
4. Svizzera
5. Germania

Fabio ha anche creato il primo European RWC Safety Summit ed è stato determinante nel portare il primo TAD (Towable Aquaplane Device, denominato "tavola di salvataggio") e nell'ottenere la certificazione per il TAD in modo che le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza in Europa potessero sviluppare professionalmente la loro imbarcazione di salvataggio competenze.

Attraverso i suoi sforzi K38 in tutto il mondo ha salvato centinaia di vite e i suoi studenti hanno contribuito a salvarne ancora di più. Sono il successo di K38 Italia.

Nel 2023, Fabio continua a sviluppare professionalmente il programma che ha iniziato. Sta formando la prossima generazione di istruttori che continueranno a mantenere la linea della competenza e del salvataggio.


Nel 1999 il pilota genovese di moto d'acqua Fabio Annigoni, si reco' a Lake Havasu City (Arizona-USA) per assistere alla finale di Campionato del mondo di moto d'acqua. Noto' che a fare assistenza nel circuito c'era una moto d'acqua con una speciale barella fissata posteriormente. Si reco' subito a chiedere informazioni riguardo questo speciale mezzo di soccorso a Shawn Alladioistruttrice e fondatrice del K38, una societa' di salvataggio che da anni opera negli USA.

Shawn gli spiego' che questo sistema era usato con successo anche in situazioni di pericolo estremo, sia in mareggiate, nei fiumi in piena e nei laghi di tutti gli USA. Annigoni, gia' in possesso della licenza di pilota, venne allora informato che, visto il suo interesse in questo campo, avrebbe potuto prendere parte ad un corso di salvataggio che da li' a poco si sarebbe tenuto ad Half Moon Bay (California). Qui pote' constatare l'efficienza di questo mezzo di soccorso (Rescue Boat: moto d'acqua con barella) con onde di diversi metri!

Tornato in Italia entusiasta, si rese conto della necessita' di introdurre questo sistema anche in Italia. Da quel momento infatti diede inizio alla promozione della "moto d'acqua da salvamento" presentandola, con grande successo, in diverse Fiere e saloni nautici (Rimini, Carrara, Genova) con l'appoggio della Federazione Italiana Motonautica. Ad Aprile 2000, prese parte ad un Summit mondiale del salvataggio in acqua svoltosi a Las Vegas, dove l'istruttrice e ormai amica Shawn Alladio, lo istrui' anche in fiume e in lago, avviandolo alla qualifica di Istruttore. Dopo diversi stage formativi, dal 2004 Fabio Annigoni e' istruttore della K38 USA e dal 2006 autorizzato come formatore per istruttori e operatori per la K38 International.

L'aquabike da salvamento a volte, fa apparire mezzi di soccorso quali gommoni, lancette o pattini, obsoleti ed inadeguati nei confronti di una natura sempre piu' violenta e difficilmente controllabile. Un gommone o una lancetta, poco possono nei confronti di correnti forti o onde di diversi metri, che impossibilitano gli stessi ad un uscita e un rientro in sicurezza. Dal canto suo l'elicottero, utilizzato per i recuperi piu' estremi, non sempre e' disponibile, e quando lo e', rimane comunque un sistema di salvataggio che implica difficolta' operative e ingenti costi. Naturalmente elemento essenziale per l'utilizzo delle aquabike nel salvamento e' la formazione specifica degli operatori, che si troveranno a condurre un mezzo totalmente differente dalla normale moto d'acqua, rendendo inadeguata a questo scopo particolare la normale patente nautica fino ad ora richiesta di legge.

Bisogna paragonare i mezzi di soccorso ad una cassetta degli attrezzi. Ogni attrezzo ha la sua funzione specifica: questo deve essere anche per i mezzi di salvataggio. Maggiore e' la scelta degli attrezzi, piu' mirata sara' la soluzione al problema. La moto d'acqua non e' la soluzione per tutto, ma e' sicuramente un tassello di rilievo nel mosaico del salvamento.

In 1999 the Genoese jet ski pilot Fabio Annigoni went to Lake Havasu City (Arizona-USA) to attend the final of the jet ski world championship. He noticed that a jet ski with a special stretcher fixed to the rear was assisting in the circuit. He immediately went to ask Shawn Alladio, instructor and founder of K38, a rescue company that has been operating in the USA for years, for information about this special rescue vehicle.

Shawn explained to him that this system was used successfully even in situations of extreme danger, both in storm surges, in swollen rivers and in lakes all over the USA. Annigoni, already in possession of a pilot's license, was then informed that, given his interest in this field, he could take part in a rescue course which would soon be held in Half Moon Bay (California ). Here he was able to see the efficiency of this rescue boat (Rescue Boat: jet ski with stretcher) with waves of several metres!
Back in Italy enthusiastic, he realized the need to introduce this system in Italy too. From that moment, in fact, he began the promotion of the "rescue jet ski" by presenting it, with great success, in various boat shows and exhibitions (Rimini, Carrara, Genoa) with the support of the Italian Powerboat Federation. In April 2000, he took part in a World Water Rescue Summit held in Las Vegas, where instructor and now friend Shawn Alladio, also instructed him in rivers and lakes, starting him up as an Instructor. After several training internships, since 2004 Fabio Annigoni has been an instructor of the K38 USA and since 2006 authorized as a trainer for instructors and operators for the K38 International.

The rescue aquabike sometimes makes rescue means such as dinghies, pointers or skates appear obsolete and inadequate in relation to an increasingly violent and difficult to control nature. A dinghy or a dinghy can do little against strong currents or waves of several metres, which make it impossible for them to exit and return safely. For its part, the helicopter, used for the most extreme recoveries, is not always available, and when it is, it is still a rescue system that involves operational difficulties and huge costs. Of course, an essential element for the use of aquabikes in lifesaving is the specific training of the operators, who will find themselves driving a vehicle that is totally different from the normal jet ski, making the normal nautical license hitherto required for this particular purpose inadequate. law.

Emergency vehicles must be compared to a toolbox. Each tool has its specific function: this must also be the case for life-saving equipment. The greater the choice of tools, the more targeted the solution to the problem will be. The jet ski is not the solution for everything, but it is certainly an important piece in the rescue mosaic.


Posted: March 7, 2023

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency

K38 Poland in 2023

K38 POLAND in 2023
Wraz z uczestnikami rajdu Płyniemy Polsko rozpoczęliśmy sezon motorowodny 2023.

K38 Poland

Płyniemy Polsko
Praca z przyczepą, wodowanie jednostki w przygodnym terenie, to również element naszych szkoleń. Ta umiejetność również wymaga przygotowania i przećwiczenia aby przebiegała szybko i sprawnie bez zbędnych komplikacji. Na terenie działania OSP Choczewo brak jest portów i przystani oraz slipów, a wodowanie jednostki zawsze wykonywane jest z brzegu.

Working with a trailer, watering the unit in an adventurous terrain is also an element of our training. This skill also requires preparation and practice so that it runs fast and efficiently without unnecessary complications. In the area of OSP Choczewo there are no ports and harbors and slips, and the watering of the unit is always done from the shore.


Dekontaminacja RWC oraz PPE, to stały element pracy na lądzie, po pracy na wodzie. To nie tylko trwałość i żywotność sprzętu ale też nasza higiena i nasze zdrowie.

Decontamination of RWC and PPE is a permanent part of working on land, after working on water. It’s not only the durability and durability of the equipment but also our hygiene and our health.

We will be updating you as we get on the water to train!

K38 Poland Facebook Page

For course inquires please contact:

Available Course from K38 Japan in Okinawa Prefecture

Fire Department Marine Unit Training


Rescue water craft training

k38 Japan Facebook

K38JAPAN will hold a personal watercraft rescue workshop in Okinawa Prefecture and a refresher workshop for those who have taken the course in the past. The refresher course is open to those who have taken the course nationwide in the past. March 23rd to 25th for new applicants
Renewal course is March 26th
Those who wish to update the seminar can attend as an assistant training from the 23rd.
Please contact us for details.

For more information
名前:岸 浩明(Hiroaki Kishi)
Name: Hiroaki Kishi
Phone: 011-788-6251
Address: 4-22, Kita 25-jo Higashi 21-chome, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan


Posted: March 8, 2023

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency

2023 K38 Japan Annual Instructor Conference

Fire Department Marine Unit Training

The annual K38 instructor meeting will be held in Hokkaido in October, 2023. This is an invitational conference that is held each year to increase program efficiency and client outreach.
K38 Japanese Instructors will be gathering in the northernmost prefecture of Japan. Our annual conference is a vital to our continued K38 leadership, community and teamwork.
Japanese instructors will be discussing the new K38 standards that will be implemented in 2024, training methods, equipment updates and the recertification process for current k38 certificate holders.
K38 Japan introduced Rescue Water Craft training into the country with support from Mari back in 2010. They are legacy partners along with JPBOT for raising the standard of operation and personnel safety and care most about service to their respective communities.
K38 Japan has enjoyed an incredible instructor cadre over the years, comprised of Japan’s greatest RWC boating talent.
Host agency; Hokkaido Water Safety Association.

For more information
名前:岸 浩明(Hiroaki Kishi)
Name: Hiroaki Kishi
Phone: 011-788-6251
Address: 4-22, Kita 25-jo Higashi 21-chome, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

k38 Japan Facebook


Posted: March 8, 2023

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency



You may have the concept of what you are doing operationally, but it may not have been tested. This is why audits provide value and insight needed for refinement and correction.

Folks who garnered professional behaviors invested time to evolve. You don’t want to move from a beginning and pretend you arrived at the expert level in a fast succession of one or two training sessions.

You may not know where you are in the spectrum of proficiency. And you have the will to change this by volition. Do not aim for learning during an incident. Go to the scene armored up and functional.

You plan out your effort by mapping patterns that begin at the baseline, the knowledge base. You migrate from knowing your equipment. Being able to repair and replace your Personal Protective Equipment. Mastery of the operations of your vessel.

Comprehension of water and wind dynamics, geomorphic terrain, elevation and physics.

Then you know how to read the warning signals of damage, impending problems and troubleshoot the future results, which could be any minute. And finally, you know enough to repair your vessel, inspect and audit its performance. Maintain records and stay in step with the currency demands of change.

When you get that nailed, you can move onto working with humans in distress. Extract, assist or recover them in calm to dynamic situation, day and night. Properly kitted up. Not pretending you can do this.

If you don’t know these things you are virtually a probable predator, pretending you are operating in a fantasy of expertise.

Trust me, what lurks in that arena, will put you in death, hospital or lawsuit, ruin your reputation, or your agency.

Don’t permit this to become you. And do not trust a person who is reckless, beware.

Do not listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You need truth to proceed. Your reputation and life are too precious to be destroyed by an emotional distraction.

It’s call deception.

K38 does not want any of you to experience failure, only the greatest measure of success through acquiring expertise.

You got this! Be fearless in your inventory and your actions will follow suit.

Your success is measured by your determination and will. We need good people like you.


Posted: March 7. 2-23

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency

K38 Stage 3 Course Now Available in Okinawa

Fire Department Marine Unit Training

Dates: March 23-26, 2023
Stages: 1, 2, 3 & Recertification
Host Agency: Okinawa Fire Department
Location: Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan

Dates: March 23-26, 2023
Stages: 1, 2, 3 & Recertification
Host Agency: Hokkaido Water Safety Association
Location: Okinawa City, Okinawa, Japan
Stage 3 - Level III - Technical
Course ID: #K38-RWC-213-3
Hours: 24
Certificate stream of technical applications of completion of the principles, standards and risks as applied to the course modules, goals and tasks. The third level of student development. The third Level of instructor development. Focuses include basic workplace safety, simple response protocols. Content applying risk management, task analysis, situational awareness, planning, hazard awareness and avoidance and personal survival. Compound workplace safety functions and Low, Moderate and High risk, compound (multiple) rescue responses

Certificate Title: Certificate of Operations
a) Working in Low to High-Risk Environments. (Yellow)
b) With Risk Level 3 mandates assessment and tasks.

Instructor: Mr. Hiroaki Kishi
For more information - Contact:

Stage 3 - Level III - Technical

Course ID: #K38-RWC-213-3
Hours: 24
Certificate stream of technical applications of completion of the principles, standards and risks as applied to the course modules, goals and tasks. The third level of student development. The third Level of instructor development. Focuses include basic workplace safety, simple response protocols. Content applying risk management, task analysis, situational awareness, planning, hazard awareness and avoidance and personal survival. Compound workplace safety functions and Low, Moderate and High risk, compound (multiple) rescue responses

Certificate Title: Certificate of Operations
a) Working in Low to High-Risk Environments. (Yellow)
b) With Risk Level 3 mandates assessment and tasks.

Instructor: Mr. Hiroaki Kishi
For more information

名前:岸 浩明(Hiroaki Kishi)



Name: Hiroaki Kishi
Phone: 011-788-6251

Address: 4-22, Kita 25-jo Higashi 21-chome, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan


k38 Japan Facebook


Posted: March 7, 2023

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency

K38 Stage 3 Now Course Available in Washington

Fire Department Marine Unit Training

Dates: March 17-19, 2023
Stages 1, 2, 3 & Recertification
Location: Seaview, Washington
Stage 3 - Level III - Technical

Course ID: #K38-RWC-213-3

Hours: 24
Certificate stream of technical applications of completion of the principles, standards and risks as applied to the course modules, goals and tasks. The third level of student development. The third Level of instructor development. Focuses include basic workplace safety, simple response protocols. Content applying risk management, task analysis, situational awareness, planning, hazard awareness and avoidance and personal survival. Compound workplace safety functions and Low, Moderate and High risk, compound (multiple) rescue responses

Certificate Title: Certificate of Operations
c) Working in Low to High-Risk Environments. (Yellow)
d) With Risk Level 3 mandates assessment and tasks.

Instructor: Shawn Alladio
For more information please contact:


Posted: March 7, 2023

Come train with K38 and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Copyright © 2023 K38 All rights reserved.

All materials on the Companies websites are the property of K38 and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright holder. Liberal use of K38 fact sheets and news releases is allowable with attribution.

To Cite the K38 Website for Reference: Please use the following:
"Reproduced from K38's website, © K38 (year), title and date of the post"

K38 does not grant permission for its content to be displayed on other Web sites, training manuals, unsolicited programs, media, training materials or standards development without expressed written permission.

Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.

K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency