K38 Poland Update: The first episode of the rally is now behind us.

One word: Humility.

This is the word that comes to mind about today. It was a long and difficult stage.

Pierwszy odcinek za nami.
Pokora. To jest to słowo, które przychodzi mi na myśl o dzisiejszym, długim i trudnym etapie. Wisła uczy, Wisła nie wybacza błędów, Wisła wymaga. Zmęczeni ale zadowoleni przygotowujemy się do jutrzejszej trasy do Włocławka.

Wisła teaches, wisła does not forgive mistakes, wisła requires. Tired but happy we are preparing for tomorrow's route to Popieluszko during the first stage of the PLYNIEMY POLSKO.

Have you been following us? Here is a link for you:

track us

Rajd Płyniemy Polsko właśnie wystartował! Pod tym linkiem możecie śledzić naszą pozycję 24 godziny na dobę.

Płyniemy razem z track us

K38 Poland

K38 Poland


Thanks to this small, a device you will be able to follow our position and track the route. You'll find details tomorrow at 0900. And we can participate in the Płyniemy Polsko rally thanks to LG Polska and SANTI Diving.

Nasze przygotowania do rajdu Płyniemy Polsko mają się ku końcowi. Dzisiaj od firmy SANTI Diving, która nas wspiera, odebraliśmy suche skafandry i buty, dzięki którym zabezpieczenie będzie zdecydowanie bardziej komfortowe.

Our preparations for the Płyniemy Polsko rally are coming to an end. Today from SANTI Diving, which supports us, we have picked up dry suits and shoes to make the security more comfortable.

Connected Boat Tracking Device

K38 Poland on the Rally

Day Before the Start

Płyniemy Polsko
The next edition of the charity event called “Let’s Cruise Poland’ will begin in Ustron, Poland.
This fundraiser is to raise money to help in the rehabilitation of physically challenged children.
The Rally moves around Poland.

Here we come Poland! 900 miles are now behind us. This time on four wheels. Our Jeep did a good job. We're preparing the equipment for tomorrow, and we're doing a quick rest. I'll see you on the water tomorrow.

Jakub Friedenberger is a K38 Instructor and providing Rescue Water Craft safety coverage for the Rally. He is professional rescuer in his native Poland and is instrumental with K38 Poland in providing water safety training for Rescue Water Craft Professionals.

5 Ways to Ruin Your Rescue Water Craft without Even Riding

Know Your Boat

Do you have an owner’s manual for your Rescue Water Craft? Where is it?  When did you last pierce its pages of infinite wisdom to remind yourself how great a caretaker you are? How important is your mission? If you can read, you can maintain and every program needs a matching Original Equipment Manufacturer owner’s manual to the:

  1. Make
  2. Model
  3. Year of Production


Your Rescue Water Craft needs a drink too, it’s called a fresh water rinse. You need to wash the interior compartments (yes the engine compartment) and the exterior.

Then you most into the guts, the belly of the beast and it’s time to flush the water cooling exhaust system. You need a garden hose, perhaps some Salt Away® or Dawn Detergent drops and a few minutes of your time.

Corrosion can result from saltwater, brackish water from a lack of flushing the exhaust system. The salt crystals that remain when the water dries out can collect around fittings and elbow brass turns for the water lines and clog, reduce or restrict water flow. This can result in engine overheating or engine damage.

Fresh water engine exhaust flushing is just as important due to sediment or debris having the same negative effect internally.
So flush away and refer to your owner’s manual!

What can you do to comply?

  1. Review all of your log books.
  2. Be familiar with the checklists and complete all form fields.
  3. Make sure you understand how the checklists apply to the equipment you are using so your reviews are effective and not just a habit to fill in the blank.
  4. Inspect your PPE and remove it from service if needed.
  5. Be fearless in removing any gear or equipment from operational use with the control measures in place by your protocols and procedures.


There is a time not to go. You may discover that you will have to take a RWC out of service and that coverage will be significantly reduced. Have a backup plan for downed equipment and make sure you have the budget to maintain efficient operations.
Checklist help insure your program. They are reminders of requirements that rely upon your mental and physical action. Practicing effective basics of the fundamentals will allow you to have the capability to catch mistakes before they become mishaps.

As if water wasn’t enough, you need to spray down all metal components of the interior of your craft with the recommended Original Equipment Manufacturer’s anti-corrosion spray. Don’t grab any item, some of them can ruin your bank account, or take your life!

Rubber can only have certain rust inhibitors spray on their surface otherwise they face cracking or blowing off under pressure from their connecting points resulting in a sunk Personal Water Craft. Boo Hoo! You don’t want to go to that party!

RWC Inspections

USMC 1996 Water Craft Preventative Maintenance

It'a all About Prevention for Rescue Water Craft Safety

Yes, rust and corrosion is looking for a place to set anchor. You need to know the periodic grease points that are required for your particular Rescue Water Craft. Use the recommended Marine Grade grease and follow up the hourly maintenance schedule on key points to keep your boat functional underway. Items that are moving parts are under a lot of stress, and even more stress when we use a Towable Aquaplane Device (TAD) known as a Rescue Board. The original trim design of Personal Water Craft are significantly offset in some use situations, so be good to your boat and it will be good to you!

Do you know what you are looking at? Do you have a complimentary post operations Rescue Water Craft check list you can evaluate the needs of your boat? Or are you just checking the little boxes so you can go home and close the doors?

Inspection means safety. Knowing what to look for, when to take a boat out of service for repair can stop the liability dragon.

When your program has no policy on preventative maintenance schedule, it’s only a matter of time! The chain reaction of causation is waiting to raise its hand. Your Rescue Water Craft Owner’s Manual should look worn and torn from repeated referencing. If its’ not, then you have problems and if you don’t have one, why not?

Feed the hand that feeds you. If your Rescue Water Craft program is lacking just these 5 simple steps, you do not have a marine unit, you have a disaster in the making.

• Grow your program by first securing an owner’s manual.
• Revise your checklist
• Ensure mandatory records are kept
• Adhere to the maintenance schedule
• Take a boat out of service when problems arise or are suspected

Shawn Alladio – 1.12.2018

Shawn cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.





En nuestros cursos de K38, se utilizan estándares probados por más de 25 años, por eso preparamos a profesionales de la operación de rescate de motos de agua.

No te pierdas el próximo curso en Tenerife los días 4, 5 y 6 de Mayo, curso Nivel 1,2,3. en 3 días quedarás preparado bajo los estándares de la organización de mayor prestigio a nivel mundial.

K38 Canary Islands provides educational Rescue Water Craft courses for occupational users such as fire rescue or lifeguards.

No te pierdas el próximo curso en Tenerife los días 4, 5 y 6 de Mayo, curso Nivel 1,2,3. en 3 días quedarás preparado bajo los estándares de la organización de mayor prestigio a nivel mundial.

We are committed to helping our clients modernize their programs. We provide intensive training programs from Stage 1 through 5.
Our first three stages are the cornerstone of our standardization and best practices.

K38 Training Programs Support Professional Actions


In our K38 Canary Island courses we employ Rescue Water Craft standards that were created years ago when the company back in 1989. The Rescue Water Craft standards were created over time from review of critical assessments of operational behaviors and embracing and redefining the positive attributes for training others.

Our goals are simple and true, we aim to help prepare professionals for the Jet Rescue Operation in the Canary Islands.

Certification is a way to protect your reputation, your equipment and to save your own life when an incident becomes demanding.

Do not miss the next course in Tenerife on 4, 5 and 6th of May, 2018.

The training course levels presented are Stages 1,2,3 covering 3 days of instruction.

You will be prepared and trained under the standards of the highest level of operations worldwide.

We shall see you soon!

http://www. http://k38sudamerica.virb.com/

Del 4 al 6 de Mayo estaremos realizando el curso K38 Rescue Water Craft Nivel 1,2,3 en S/C de Tenerife - Canarias.

Si quieres más info, enviar email a k38nyko@gmail.com

Curso dirigido para Operadores de Motos de agua de organizaciones de Rescate, socorristas, bomberos, deportistas y personas que quieran aprender a operar una Moto de agua bajo los mejores estándares a nivel Mundial.

K38 Chile Hosts Stage 3 Course in May

K38 Chile Hosts a Stage 3 RWC Course

K38 Chile is proud to announce a Rescue Water Craft Stage 3 Open Water Course on May 4, 5 and 6thm, 2018 in Iquique, Chile.

K38 Chile is hosting the training course which is 3 days of training or what we refer to as a Stage 3 training program.  This training is for recreational use or for the professional development for a Rescue Water Craft operator.


ATENTO NORTE de CHILE, Curso K38 Operador RWC Nivel 1,2,3 a desarrollarse en IQUIQUE.

Más info en K38 Chile Website

Lo desarrollaremos los días 4, 5 y 6 de Mayo en IQUIQUE, donde enseñaremos los estándares de operación con Moto de agua de K38 Chile.

Si eres operador recreativo o de rescate, esta es tu oportunidad de vivir la experiencia de poder adquirir los conocimientos para una operación Profesional de Moto de agua.

K38 Chile Instructor Gonzalo Sepulveda


A la fecha ya llevamos 3 cursos de K38 Chile Operador RWC Nivel 3, han sido alumnos de Argentina y Chile, quienes se han entrenado con nosotros.

Cada grupo tiene la obligación de ponerse un nombre y con este se quedan para siempre, es así como tenemos los siguientes Grupos de Nuevos operadores:

Este nivel tiene una duración de 1 día completo, donde realizamos los check list de embarcaciones y tablas de rescate, y luego nos vamos al agua a desarrollar habilidades de operación más avanzadas, todas en relentí (lento), para después pasar a realizar practica de técnicas de rescate de victima consciente, inconsciente, utilizando rescatista, con 1, 2,3 victimas, etc.. constantemente se van cambiando los roles de los alumnos, todos serán operadores, rescatistas y victimas.

En todo momento los instructores estarán observando todos los movimientos de los alumnos, para realizar correcciones y discusiones de mejoras.

Para realizar el Nivel 3, es necesario haber aprobado una prueba escrita a primera hora del día y que el instructor de el visto bueno para que el alumno realice el Nivel 3, de acuerdo a lo observado durante todo el día


Este curso es Nivel 3, para lo cual se requieren 3 días de entrenamiento, debes contar con licencia nautica para operar este tipo de embarcaciones.

Attentive North of Chile, course k38 operator level 1,2,3 to develop in iquique.


LET'S CRUISE POLAND - Płyniemy Polsko

The Plyniemy Polsko 'Let's Cruise Poland' is an annual event. This year the trek began on the Vistula River, the longest river in Poland.

Płyniemy Polsko

The next edition of the charity event called “Let’s Cruise Poland’ will begin in Ustron, Poland.

This fundraiser is to raise money to help in the rehabilitation of physically challenged children.

The Rally moves around Poland.


The start of the Rally is on the Vistula River by the Baltic Sea. Personal Water Craft operators will navigate the river and return to the city of Oder. The rally has 10 double teams participating.

On Staurday April 28 in Ustron, the safety presentation and orientation commences.

The teams begin the rally on April 29 (Sunday) from Krakow at 9:00am.

The Vistula river is the longest on in Poland. Event organizers decided they would start their campaign in Ustron and the teams would commence this arduous campaign. Kornel Pajak is the main coordinator of the project from the Yacht Club Rybnik.

During the orientation in Ustron there will be plenty of attractions and surprises for all who will go to the canoe pond in the City Center.

The launch of the team Personal Water Craft will start at 1:00pm, then the teams and institutions involved in the campaign will be presented.

At 2:00pm a symbolic start is planned.

"The event will have a picnic character, during which you will be able to take advantage of children's attractions, listen to music and watch an amazing flyboard show performed by Polish champions" - explains Katarzyna Czyż-Kaźmierczak. Head of the Department of Promotion, Culture, Sport and Tourism of the City Office in Ustroń.

However, these are not all surprises that have been prepared by the organizers.

"The presence of three-time European Champion in car rallies Kajetan Kajetanowicz and renowned Youtuber Rezi, who also support this charitable undertaking, confirmed their presence."

Around 2.30 pm, the event will be graced by a concert by the band Znaki Czasu, which will present in its repertoire a dedicated song "Płniemy Polsko".

The whole event will take place from 13:00 to 17:00 on a canoe pond in Ustroń.

K38 Poland is providing water safety organization for the Rally.
We encourage you to participate and contact:

Kornel Pająk, main action coordinator, tel. 792 212 007
Katarzyna Czyż-Kaźmierczak, Head of the Department of Promotion, Culture, Sport and Tourism UM Ustroń, tel. 600 964 931

Kolejna edycja akcji charytatywnej „Płyniemy Polsko” będzie miała swój prolog w Ustroniu.

Po raz kolejny w Ustroniu odbędzie się symboliczny start akcji charytatywnej „Płyniemy Polsko”, która w tym roku będzie miała nieco zmienioną formułę, ale cel główny pozostaje cały czas ten sam tj. zebranie funduszy na pomoc w rehabilitacji niepełnosprawnych dzieci.

Tegoroczne „Płyniemy Polsko” odbędzie się w formie rajdu wokół Polski, w pierwszej kolejności rzeką Wisłą, dalej Bałtykiem i powrót Odrą. W rajdzie weźmie udział aż 10 dwuosobowych ekip.
Ekipy wystartują 29 kwietnia (niedziela) z Krakowa o godz. 9:00 a dzień wcześniej tj. 28 kwietnia (sobota) w Ustroniu nastąpi ich prezentacja.

„To w Beskidach bierze swój początek najdłuższa rzeka Polski, dlatego też zdecydowaliśmy , że to właśnie w Ustroniu symbolicznie rozpoczniemy naszą akcję i zaprezentujemy ekipy, które podejmą się tego karkołomnego wyczyny” – mówi Kornel Pająk z Yacht Clubu Rybnik, główny koordynator projektu Płyniemy Polsko.

Podczas prologu w Ustroniu nie zabraknie atrakcji i niespodzianek dla wszystkich którzy wybiorą się nad staw kajakowy w centrum miasta.

Wodowanie skuterów rozpocznie się o godz. 13:00, następnie zaprezentowane zostaną ekipy i zaangażowane w akcję instytucje.

O 14:00 planowany jest symboliczny START.

„Wydarzenie będzie miało charakter pikniku, podczas którego będzie można skorzystać z atrakcji dla dzieci, posłuchać muzyki i obejrzeć niesamowity pokaz flyboardu w wykonaniu mistrzów Polski” – wyjaśnia Katarzyna Czyż-Kaźmierczak Naczelnik Wydziału Promocji, Kultury, Sportu i Turystyki Urzędu Miasta w Ustroniu.

To jednak nie wszystkie niespodzianki, które zostały przygotowane przez organizatorów.

„Swoją obecność potwierdzili trzykrotny Mistrz Europy w rajdach samochodowych Kajetan Kajetanowicz i znany youtuber Rezi, którzy również wspierają to charytatywne przedsięwzięcie.”

Około godziny 14.30 wydarzenie uświetni koncert zespołu "Znaki Czasu" który zaprezentuje w swoim repertuarze dedykowany utwór "Płyniemy Polsko".

Całość imprezy odbędzie się od 13:00 do 17:00 na stawie kajakowym w Ustroniu.

Zachęcamy do udziału i kontaktu:

Kornel Pająk, główny koordynator akcji, tel. 792 212 007
Katarzyna Czyż-Kaźmierczak, Naczelnik Wydziału Promocji, Kultury, Sportu i Turystyki UM Ustroń, tel. 600 964 931

How Do You Perceive Your RWC World?

How do you perceive your Rescue Water Craft World?

Where do you place your values within your personal structure or the rescue group that you work with?

Is Your Rescue Water Craft Program Valid? How do you know, has it been challenged in the last 365 days, did you have an accident or a near miss, is your equipment functional?

Is your professional value structure actually a valid platform to provide the best coverage possible or are there known areas that have weak links that can open up the door of liability, consider the facts in review.


Lay out on paper the past 6 months or year, every single Rescue Water Craft activity undertook and the results of those actions.  Make a humble assessment of the last year or semester.  Take a hard look at it from all angles and do a strong inspection against the mishaps, gear, and training results.  Do all these items accurately inspected validate your current operational methods? Did you attain the appropriate results last year?  Don't forget to add in the budgetary needs to maintain a successful program.


The indication that your values are flawed is if there is any harm being generated? Are your Rescue Water Craft keep breaking down did they get repaired too often and are the gear checklists understandable and can you defend them? Is your PPE intact and functional, is there any damages? Are your endings safe for survivors when you transfer them? Do your actions stack up against failures you see in other rescue attempts you have studied online or from event debriefings?


Failures are going to tell you that you did something wrong. Do you have an associated feeling of regret, embarrassment or recall a painful moment that you feel was stupid or biased by excusing away the results?
When was your program first created? How many revisions have the original program migrated from?
There are still things to learn. Are you not taking criticism well, does it hurt your feelings? Anxiety can tell you when an action or a theory is wrong or the person of critique is wrong. If you keep playing over in your mind the moment of failure instead of the moment of success and there are reactions from team leaders that reinforce an error it is time to take action.


This is why we in a group or team setting we are giving experience outsourced to the free decisions of every member. If we surround ourselves in our membership and one of our members does something wrong, the membership will issue a response, they will validate and if the negative behaviors of a member persist the group members will become irritated, they will want to distance themselves and not reach out.

We cannot perceive reality completely, groups help moderate our success and failure. But we need the value of the creatives, those who step outside of the group and test and trial the unknown. These people are often disposable and our greatest risk takers and we should not discount their genius even if they are rough at the edges, something on the horizon may come from their persistence.


Humility is the pre-condition towards learning, it’s the strongest virtue in rescue success for individuals or teams.  It is difficult to perceive our own reality. If it keeps working, why change it? That’s a common phrase we hear.  You can mediate for yourself by looking at all the variable relationships and what your professional goals are.

Where is our advantage for your Rescue Water Craft program review? When was the last time your RWC program was evaluated by an outside source?

Not fact checking our progress opens the door for problems.  How can this be mediated?  Research and networking in the Rescue Water Craft community provide an avenue for cross referencing program management. However, the greatest asset is for outside sources who are turning and burning the industry on a daily basis and have a firm connection to the intellectual knowledge and equipment on the front line.

The bias of ignorance is within our scope of knowledge.  What if we were willing to step outside of our comfort zone and search for other methods, the result is obvious; our capability will increase.





What can you do or better yet what are you 'willing' to do? Do you allow your free will to accept a critical assessment from a peer or a group of members? Let's not be too comfortable. We must evaluate after every training and mishap.  The indicators of truth are born in our results. When we train we must assess, review and discuss.

If a Rescue Board has broken recently inspect the three connector points. One of those points can lead to a catastrophic failure.  Inspect the instructional integrity after every use and realize these products have a lifespan and need to be retired. You can start with that as one of your inspection reviews.

Do we need to try something different, whom should we reach out to for advice?  Start with one thing, just take one action, here are a few ideas to consider.

Actions you can take to seek what is currently being employed:

  1. Join the Rescue Water Craft Association, get connected with other professionals https://rescuewatercraft.org/Membership
  2. Continuing training by a recognized instructor or undertake recurring training
  3. Attend the WaterRescueCon March 2019 in Morro Bay California http://www.WaterRescueCon.com
  4. Read the Owners Manual of the make, model and year of production RWC
  5. Be willing to take critical advice and to share your own in a Rescue Water Craft Operator group https://www.facebook.com/groups/RWCOperators/
  6. Conduct online searches to study boating accidents and training programs and evaluate

Content Creator - Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Speak Up Lives Depend On It


  • It is unfair if an Operator is driving too fast for the conditions or over 25 mph during transits with persons on board.
  • It is unfair if a crewperson is not functional or operationally sound working on a rescue board.
  • It is unfair if a rescue board is not affixed to the stern deck of a Rescue Water Craft adequately. Notice I state ‘adequately’ as this a gray area dependent on many contributing factors.
  • It is unfair if a Rescue Water Craft is not operationally sound and still in service. Silence is admission.

Distractions can be numerous. Attention to situational awareness requires our focus. We must be vigilant as leaders in our full capabilities as operators and program managers.

Relationships are established through connectivity. This requires of us our effort of service and command. We must command our presence and be aware of fatigue, shortcomings and lack of preparation.

Rescue Water Craft Training for Night Qualification


I have a saying ‘85% preparation and 15% underway time’. That is an honest assessment. It’s boring. Preparation is tedious and time consuming. Too often responders focus on the recovery and forget the mission workup. This includes electronics, trailers, rigging, rescue boards, PPE, and all accessary gear and parts.

We all need a foundation to rely upon. This means our fundamental core values are our continuing strength. Speak up when you know something is not working properly.

‘Back to the Basics’ is a long standing catch phrase of reason, let’s keep that in mind and not be distracted from normal operations.
The pre-operations checklists and logs that go into your program docket are what will keep your program regulated. It helps to discover potential problems or shortcomings that will lead up to a mishap and hopefully these evaluations are conducted prior to an accident or serious injury.

Operations of normal standard behaviors should not be dismissed or ignored. Adhering to the basics will ensure program longevity. We cannot afford the penalties of reality when it suddenly gets real and we discover we should have done that, dismissed doing that, or ignored doing that because we could.

But we shouldn’t. Speak Up. We should be held accountable. Liability is a serious reminder of competency.

Rescue Board Training and Inspection

What can you do to comply?

  1. Review all of your log books.
  2. Be familiar with the checklists and complete all form fields.
  3. Make sure you understand how the checklists apply to the equipment you are using so your reviews are effective and not just a habit to fill in the blank.
  4. Inspect your PPE and remove it from service if needed.
  5. Be fearless in removing any gear or equipment from operational use with the control measures in place by your protocols and procedures.

Practicing effective basics

There is a time not to go. You may discover that you will have to take a RWC out of service and that coverage will be significantly reduced. Have a backup plan for downed equipment and make sure you have the budget to maintain efficient operations.

Checklist help insure your program. They are reminders of requirements that rely upon your mental and physical action. Practicing effective basics of the fundamentals will allow you to have the capability to catch mistakes before they become mishaps.

Content Creator - Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Document Your RWC Program Results