K38 Poland Update: The first episode of the rally is now behind us.

One word: Humility.

This is the word that comes to mind about today. It was a long and difficult stage.

Pierwszy odcinek za nami.
Pokora. To jest to słowo, które przychodzi mi na myśl o dzisiejszym, długim i trudnym etapie. Wisła uczy, Wisła nie wybacza błędów, Wisła wymaga. Zmęczeni ale zadowoleni przygotowujemy się do jutrzejszej trasy do Włocławka.

Wisła teaches, wisła does not forgive mistakes, wisła requires. Tired but happy we are preparing for tomorrow's route to Popieluszko during the first stage of the PLYNIEMY POLSKO.

Have you been following us? Here is a link for you:

track us

Rajd Płyniemy Polsko właśnie wystartował! Pod tym linkiem możecie śledzić naszą pozycję 24 godziny na dobę.

Płyniemy razem z track us

K38 Poland

K38 Poland


Thanks to this small, a device you will be able to follow our position and track the route. You'll find details tomorrow at 0900. And we can participate in the Płyniemy Polsko rally thanks to LG Polska and SANTI Diving.

Nasze przygotowania do rajdu Płyniemy Polsko mają się ku końcowi. Dzisiaj od firmy SANTI Diving, która nas wspiera, odebraliśmy suche skafandry i buty, dzięki którym zabezpieczenie będzie zdecydowanie bardziej komfortowe.

Our preparations for the Płyniemy Polsko rally are coming to an end. Today from SANTI Diving, which supports us, we have picked up dry suits and shoes to make the security more comfortable.

Connected Boat Tracking Device

K38 Poland on the Rally

Day Before the Start

Płyniemy Polsko
The next edition of the charity event called “Let’s Cruise Poland’ will begin in Ustron, Poland.
This fundraiser is to raise money to help in the rehabilitation of physically challenged children.
The Rally moves around Poland.

Here we come Poland! 900 miles are now behind us. This time on four wheels. Our Jeep did a good job. We're preparing the equipment for tomorrow, and we're doing a quick rest. I'll see you on the water tomorrow.

Jakub Friedenberger is a K38 Instructor and providing Rescue Water Craft safety coverage for the Rally. He is professional rescuer in his native Poland and is instrumental with K38 Poland in providing water safety training for Rescue Water Craft Professionals.

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