Day Two Complete

Stage 2 is complete! We have made it to WLOCTAWEK

What a day! There were a lot of vessel problems today. It's tough to get competitors and boats off the water because our stage distances are so spread apart, that their chase teams have to be very creative and organized, and they are.

Our K38 Poland staff is essentially the secret of our safety and success! They travel with us to ensure we have everything we need at each stop.

Złapani na trasie rajdu Płyniemy Polsko.
To nasza tajemnicza ekipa techniczno - fotograficzna. Wielkie dzięki za poświęcony czas. Bez Was nie popłynęlibyśmy zbyt daleko.

First Alert Marine Compact Fire Extinguisher 5-B:C

First Alert Marine Compact Fire Extinguisher 5-B:C


Preparations this morning were to ensure all our safety equipment and gear was secure on the Yamaha WaveRunner-Rescue Water Craft. This is a long day and we are responsible to manage the safety for all the race boats in the rally. This is a tough job to do with the distances and logistics we all have to cover. But we love it!

Śluzowanie. To już prawie meta drugiego etapu Płyniemy Polsko. Chwila przed startem do drugiego etapu Płyniemy Polsko z Warszawy do Płocka.

During Stage 2 we had to navigate through the Wisla River, and a series of locks to change the elevation as we continued on the rally. You can see how deep the lock can get, its quite an experience. Made for larger vessels we can get alot of Personal Water Craft in here all at once!

Check out all the sponsors and supporters for 2019! We appreciate you.

follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/K38Poland
Sleep well, for soon we face the new day and its challenges. Thank you to all the athletes and sponsors of this event.

Spotkanie z fantastycznym człowiekiem, motorowodniakiem, skuterowcem, uczestnikiem i zwycięzcą drugiej edycji rajdu Płyniemy Polsko, Sławkiem Rozwadowskim. W pięknych okolicznościach miejsca i przyrody przedyskutowaliśmy temat bezpieczeństwa uczestników kolejnej edycji rajdu Płyniemy Polsko, do której intensywnie się przygotowujemy. Rozpoczęcie już 27 kwietnia.

Płyniemy Polsko jest to kluczowa akcja organizowana przez klub motorowodny Moto H2O Rybnik. Dwie edycje, które odbyły się w 2017 oraz 2018 roku pozwoliły na zakup sprzętu do nurkowania i przeprowadzenie zajęć dla dzieci z autyzmem i porażeniem mózgowym. Edycja organizowana w maju przez sekcję Moto H2O polegała na opłynięciu Polski na skuterach wodnych. Podczas całej akcji miało miejsce wiele eventów w miastach w całym kraju.Całość akcji zakoczyła się sukcesem.

Edycja organizowana na przełomie sierpnia i września przez Ocean H2O polegała na opłynięciu wyspy Spitsbegen, znajdującej się na dalekiej północy na Oceanie Arktycznym. Dziesięcioosobowa załoga podczas szesnastu dni zmagała się z prądami morskimi i lodem. Udało im się osiągnąć cel, co więcej jako jedna z nielicznych załóg dokonała tego płynąć pod prąd.

Rok 2019 bije wszelkie rekordy. Akcja nabrała tempa a do udziału zgłosiło ponad 40 zawodników! Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w projekcie oraz śledzenia całej trasy!

Zachęcamy do polubienia naszej strony FB @plyniemypolsko, instagrama oraz pobrania aplikacji mobilnej, w której można być na bierząco z zawodnikami!

We sail in Poland is a key action organized by the Moto H2O Rybnik motorboat club. Two editions that took place in 2017 and 2018 allowed the purchase of diving equipment and classes for children with autism and cerebral palsy. The edition organized in May by the Moto H2O section consisted of circumnavigation of Poland on jet skis. During the whole event there were many events in cities around the country. The action was successful. The edition organized at the turn of August and September by Ocean H2O consisted of circumnavigation of the island of Spitsbegen, located in the far north in the Arctic Ocean. The ten-person crew struggled with sea currents and ice during sixteen days. They managed to achieve the goal, and what's more, as one of the few crews, it went against the current.

The year 2019 beats all records. The action has gained momentum and more than 40 competitors have entered the competition!

We invite you to take part in the project and to follow the entire route!

Feel free to like our FB @plyniemyPolsko site, instagrama and download the mobile application in which you can be up to date with the players!

2019 Polyniemy Polsko Facebook Page

K38 Poland Facebook Page

Tracking: Connected Boat tracking page

Name: plyniemy@pp2019.pl
pw: 2019


Posted: 4.29.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Today’s stage was one of the longest of the Plyniemy Polsko Rajd and the final on the water. Teams and the K38 Poland safety group departed south from Szczecin.

Szczecin is a city on the Oder River in northwest Poland. It’s known for its 19th-century Wały Chrobrego, or Chobry Embankment, and the renovated Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle, now a cultural center. The vast St. James Cathedral has a 14th-century triptych, stained-glass windows and a tower with city views. Nearby is the Gothic Old Town Hall, hosting The National Museum’s exhibitions on Szczecin’s history and culture.

Płyniemy Polsko Coffee Break Before Launching


Their final destination was Wroclaw on May 4, 2018.

This stage of the Rally had a lot of turns and bends from the river. By land it is a 5 hour drive covering 378 km. Sometimes the Rally is faster on water!

Wrocław is a city on the Oder River in western Poland. It’s known for its Market Square, lined with elegant townhouses and featuring a modern fountain. Also on the square is the Gothic Old Town Hall, with its large astronomical clock. Nearby is the Panorama of Racławice, a painting depicting the 1794 battle for independence.

K38 Poland Provides Water Safety During the Rally


There were a few navigational challenges due to splits in the river, several team riders had to correct their heading which cost them some fuel and time. That is part of the challenge of fatigue and time underway.
The water was very calm and the weather was favorable during this final stage of the rally.

Przepłyneliśmy Polskę.
Jakub Friedenberger i Mateusz Orzoł represented K38 Poland both switching positions from Rescue Water Craft operator to vehicle chase driver.

Było to możliwe dzięki wsparciu LG Polska oraz SANTI Diving. Jesteśmy wdzięczni.
It was possible with the support of LG Polska and SANTI Diving. We are grateful.

Uwaga! Wyniki, jakie uzyskały team' y na odcinku Szczecin- Głogów:
1 msce- Quady Śrem
2 msce- Ambrozja Team
3 msce- Moto H2O Rybnik
4 msce- Malgrab Team
5 msce- DEK Głogów
Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkim uczestnikom!

Plyniemy Polsko Facebook

Tomorrow is the closing ceremonies of the Plyniemy Polsko in Rybnik, Poland. It has been a wonderful experience for not only the charities involved but the race teams and the safety provided by K38 Poland.

This has been an outstanding experience for K38 Poland and the participants. These type of on-water adventures have so many issues to surmount. The planning stages are significant. The mobility of Personal Water Craft and support vehicles is a big challenge as the PWC's often arrive ahead of the vehicles.

If a PWC goes down in a remote area, the teams face a puzzle to connect and make necessary repairs to stay in the Rally. Its man, machine and land and water with the elements.

The 2018 Plyniemy Polsko created memories for everyone involved and raised awareness for their charities.
The next stop is the Closing ceremonies in Rybnik, everyone is on the road heading to the location, see you there!

K38 Poland Website

Jakub Friedenberger i Mateusz Orzoł

Heroes of the 2018 Plyniemy Polsko


Sebastian and Ola are the heroes of the Płyniemy Polsko Rally.

The Plyniemy Polsko is patterned off the famous road race the Paris to Dakar. Only the Rally in Poland runs up the famous Vistula River, to the Baltic Sea and back down to the center of the nation on Personal Water Craft.

Płyniemy Polsko


Ten teams have joined to Rally to raise funds and awareness for children’s charitable causes for the Special Olympics, cerebral palsy and Autism.

On April 29th., Ola and Sebastian who represent the mascots of the charity focus rode a BRP Sea Doo Spark northward on the Vistual River at the starting point in Krakow.

They drove onward through Warsaw, Wcloclawek Gydnia and today the Rally starts in Szczecin on the Oder River. The Teams will continue until the end point in Rybink.

Heroes of the Rally


Although the Rally is also a race as well as a charity event, for Sebastian and Ola it is about personal dreams and achievement.

The Rally will be working to provide the funds for special diving equipment for people who are mentally and physically challenged to bring them opportunities to explore and become a reality of their own design.

They are fantastic representatives of the Special Olympics - Olimpiady Specjalne Śląskie

You can become a supporter by visting:
Special Olympics Facebook

K38 Poland Website



Stage 2 of the Plyniemy Polsko has be completed on 4.30.2018

The second stage of Plyniemy Polsko is now behind us. This stage was definitely less demanding compared to first stage and definitely faster.

Tomorrow we go to Gdynia, Poland. We are entering water with a completely different water conditions and characteristics.
Each Stage of the Plyneimy Polsko offers distinct water changes during the rally. Calmer waters allow us to travel faster and are much easier on the operators and the equipment.

We have arrived!

Zacumowaliśmy w Przystań nad Wisłą we Włocławk

Each Stage of the Plyneimy Polsko offers distinct water changes during the rally. Calmer waters allow us to travel faster and are much easier on the operators and the equipment.

Drugi etap za nami. Zdecydowanie mniej wymagający w porównaniu z pierwszym i zdecydowanie szybszy.
Jutro płyniemy do Gdynia. Zatem wpływamy na wody o słonym smaku i zupełnie innej charakterystyce.

Zacumowaliśmy w Przystań nad Wisłą we Włocławku.

Taking a break from a long ride today


My tymczasem zmuszeni byliśmy w trybie ekspresowym odwiedzić serwis MOTO-KOM Yamaha. Profesjonalna i szybka obsługa postawiła nasz sprzęt na nogi. Wielkie dzięki.

Podziękowania również dla WOPR Płock za szybką akcję telefoniczną, kontakt i zorganizowanie serwisu.
Dzięki Wam jesteśmy na trasie!!! Płyniemy Polsko dalej!
Meanwhile, we were forced to visit MOTO-KOM Yamaha. Professional and quick service by the company ensured that our equipiment was ready to go for the Plyniemy Polsko. Thanks a lot to their outstanding support.

Thanks also to WOPR Płock for a quick phone call, contact and organisation.

Thanks to you we are on tour!!! Płyniemy Polsko go!

Dzisiaj wspiera nas Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna - Ratownictwo Wodne, którzy w swoim gronie mają licencjonowanych operatorów K38.

Norbert Wysocki i Maciek Krok zabezpieczają cześć trasy rajdu Płyniemy Polsko. Wielkie dzięki za pomoc i wsparcie!!!

Today we are supported by Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna-Ratownictwo Wodne who have licensed operators of K38. Norbert Wysocki who is a k38 Qualified Rescue Boat Operator and Maciek step securing honoring the tour of Płyniemy Polsko. Big thanks for your help and support!!!

The start of the Rally began on the Vistula River by the Baltic Sea. Personal Water Craft operators navigated the river and returned to the city of Oder. The rally has 10 double teams participating.

On Staurday April 28 in Ustron, the safety presentation and orientation was completed.

The teams began the rally on April 29 (Sunday) from Krakow at 9:00am.

The Vistula river is the longest on in Poland. Event organizers decided they would start their campaign in Ustron and the teams would commence this arduous campaign. Kornel Pajak is the main coordinator of the project from the Yacht Club Rybnik.

Content Creator - Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.



K38 Poland Update: The first episode of the rally is now behind us.

One word: Humility.

This is the word that comes to mind about today. It was a long and difficult stage.

Pierwszy odcinek za nami.
Pokora. To jest to słowo, które przychodzi mi na myśl o dzisiejszym, długim i trudnym etapie. Wisła uczy, Wisła nie wybacza błędów, Wisła wymaga. Zmęczeni ale zadowoleni przygotowujemy się do jutrzejszej trasy do Włocławka.

Wisła teaches, wisła does not forgive mistakes, wisła requires. Tired but happy we are preparing for tomorrow's route to Popieluszko during the first stage of the PLYNIEMY POLSKO.

Have you been following us? Here is a link for you:

track us

Rajd Płyniemy Polsko właśnie wystartował! Pod tym linkiem możecie śledzić naszą pozycję 24 godziny na dobę.

Płyniemy razem z track us

K38 Poland

K38 Poland


Thanks to this small, a device you will be able to follow our position and track the route. You'll find details tomorrow at 0900. And we can participate in the Płyniemy Polsko rally thanks to LG Polska and SANTI Diving.

Nasze przygotowania do rajdu Płyniemy Polsko mają się ku końcowi. Dzisiaj od firmy SANTI Diving, która nas wspiera, odebraliśmy suche skafandry i buty, dzięki którym zabezpieczenie będzie zdecydowanie bardziej komfortowe.

Our preparations for the Płyniemy Polsko rally are coming to an end. Today from SANTI Diving, which supports us, we have picked up dry suits and shoes to make the security more comfortable.

Connected Boat Tracking Device

K38 Poland on the Rally

Day Before the Start

Płyniemy Polsko
The next edition of the charity event called “Let’s Cruise Poland’ will begin in Ustron, Poland.
This fundraiser is to raise money to help in the rehabilitation of physically challenged children.
The Rally moves around Poland.

Here we come Poland! 900 miles are now behind us. This time on four wheels. Our Jeep did a good job. We're preparing the equipment for tomorrow, and we're doing a quick rest. I'll see you on the water tomorrow.

Jakub Friedenberger is a K38 Instructor and providing Rescue Water Craft safety coverage for the Rally. He is professional rescuer in his native Poland and is instrumental with K38 Poland in providing water safety training for Rescue Water Craft Professionals.