RWC Readiness Dimension

The structure of maritime authority and governing boating and water safety rules is based on ‘safety at sea’ measures and a hierarchy of order within a risky and dangerous activity.

This is derived from an organized system of practices based off the evidence from around the world of what people did wrong, how programs failed and what those results were and the faith to make it better.

The role of instructors it to make this world wide learning experience not only safer, but to enforce the safety practices and invest in the student cadre these resolutions.

Its based on a set of skills, the integration of the manner of these practices, the mindset determination of the individual and the boating safety culture.

Training programs are broken into functional categories, and those categories are identifiable domains that reflect the carriage of the student embodiment.

The capacity to fulfill the best practices or standards that you study under also incorporate the study of who you are as an individual. The mindset of a person is the greatest domain. Its based off their complexity of experience and behavioral training and functions in the real world.

These routines are dependent on the pattern of the complexity that involves boating safety.

The maritime possibilities of risk have to be directed at individual solutions with the perceived path while underway. That is a constantly changing dynamic.

If you think you are on the edge of a moving precipice and the boundary is just off your bow, your role is to stay steady and reduce any potential mishaps.

Each time you cross over that next wave (boundary) your performance of that pattern is the realization of your performance value. Was it safe? How do you determine what safe is?


Encourage yourself to look at your operations from an objective perspective. The things you have not experienced yet are not your known module, you have to transfer into the unknown potential to understand the stakes you are engaged with.

The direct encounters you have with each wave, swell, directional change, current vectors of wind force and survivors are complex causalities you must solve on those boundaries.

You find the meaning of safety at sea by the cultural context of the law, the standards, the examples and prior mishaps, possibly even your own.

When you interact with your Rescue Water Craft, TAD and Crew you begin to gain sense of those realities that are not contained within your text book manual. You have to collapse the potential of the unknown into reasonable and transferable actions.

Do not give excuses to the actions you examine. Specify what you experienced if you want to attain operational security from your past to move forward your capable response. The unknown is the manner you use with your specified education history. Use this review process to transform yourself, rather than hold yourself hostage from pathological defense.

The analysis of the objective problem is the key. Your Rescue Water Craft is your model of success, it delivers you to the point of contact desired. This vessel represents your success. However, if it suffers a failure operationally, it becomes a possible threat.

How good are your inspection methods? Do you know how to fix it, to troubleshoot and to afford the budget for repairs?

The Rescue Water Craft is only good when its functional, otherwise it’s a significant liability and a danger to the risk metrics engaged. Geographic and weather compliments will add to this challenge along with the survivor

We are territorial beings, in our regions we become protective. In our failures we become defensive. This does not serve the greater good of our maritime culture.

That territory is challenged by what you do not know, it creates a delusion of where people think they are versus what nature will prove to them in reality.


You are only as good as you know what to do. If you do not know how to match your behaviors and place them into motion, you will not aim for the success metric of Rescue Water Craft operational security.

You need to know how to act in your territory of domain aka Rescue Water Craft operations. When operators drive outside of their known RWC territory, they begin to lose control of their situation because they have not mastered that next domain. The possibility of the unknown can have disastrous results.

They can also allow an Operator to awaken to the moment and transcend the unexpected if they maintain a safety mindset.

Being prepared means to not rest in the past, but seek the future solutions.

You can make a dangerous situation worse. Tragedy is what we strive to avoid creating.

You are reaching from familiar territory to the unexplored territory. People do not like change. They know how to behave where they recognize the actions are predictable.

The risk areas in training are to prepare Coxswains for those areas that are unknown and unpredictable.

We are engaged with the chaotic and unpleasant measures of how we can die in an aquatic environment. When we use our training structure, we have to manage our mindset with reasonable balance.

Every time you train you are familiarizing yourself with the new behaviors, and this takes time. You have to associate new actions.

You are working with the danger imposed to make sense from it though your own behaviors. There are multiple pathways of learning, narrow your analysis to attend to necessary results.

Be careful about the abstract ideas of unchallenged methods, do not be distracted from the realities of risk in the maritime environment.

In training you compare results. Pay close attention.

That is the structure a good instructor will deliver and nature will defend. It is your role to make sense of it.

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Posted: January 21, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards:
Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost PWC authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft coxswains. K38 is dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

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