Itā€™s going to be someone, so how about you? How well prepared are you to prevent killing someoneā€™s husband, wife, mother, father, brother or perhaps your best friend! Letā€™s call out the problems and the individuals and deal straight up with these recurring altercations and embarrassment caused to our Personal Water Craft community.

Death can be accidental. We say that accidents can be prevented right? At what point to we decide to apply the prevention, before or after death?

I read another deserving complaint from a surfing vs. PWC incident recently which is the inspiration of this story, one of a long line of them from around the world honestly.

Our Personal Water Craft (PWC) community needs to take responsibility for these actions and stand up against the liabilities. Not everyone deserves these negative labels and we will not tolerate disrespectful or ignorant operators because of that projected negativity on those of us who do the right thing.

Read this story here: Gold Coast Jet Skier Problems

And this one: Jet Skiers Not Being Responsible

And this: Jet Ski Operations Bring Safety Concerns

This: Safe Speed Around Others

Letā€™s help them so they can aim to higher boating capability and be safe while doing it, we all deserve that! Itā€™s better than slinging spite, letā€™s get to admissions and corrections and hold one another accountable.

The internet does not lie regarding the complaints stacking up in the surfing world. Give the paddle surfers their voice and listen to what they are expressing. Surfing has always had frictional problems, but now it has boat problems. Once SUP problems, add foil problems, access for personal pursuit is varied:

1. Paddle
2. Power

Review this now-Determination of the following:

A. Reckless or Negligent Operation of a Vessel
B. Reasonable and Prudent Operations

Determining operations fault, operating at a rate of speed and in proximity to another vessel so that either operator is required to swerve at the last minute to avoid collision. Make sure you thoroughly research the laws surrounding this in your State or country of origin.

How familiar are you with emergency and accident procedures?

If you say and hold a certificate for boating you should know these and be able to define them. If you cannot do that your training and instruction failed you, you need to stop your program now and refresh. In fact, constantly update!

Do you have a radio or EPIRB/PLB and understand the following:

1. Mayday Mayday Mayday
2. Pan Pan Pan
3. International aircraft signal
4. Channels 16, 21, 22, 23
5. Accident Reporting
6. Visual Distress Signals
7. Monitor weather channel
8. Registration, education, insurance and license requirements
9. Uniform State Waterway Marking System
10. Aids to Navigation
11. Navigation Signals
12. Fog Signals
13. Operational law

If any of these are unknown to you the solution is simple. Start learning, seek training, and don't stop.

Power is the ultimate risk of 'gross liability'. It begins with the individual at the helm, and is put into motion by decisions they make.

If you have a paddle craft or swimmer in the USA you also have a 5 m.p.h. zone, with the exception of public safety agencies responding to a call for lifesaving. Most surf zones are off limits for power boats to be in those areas, permission revoked due to the obvious safety threat.

For instance in California many cities have rules such as this: No person may operate a vessel at a speed greater than five (5) miles per hour within 100 feet of a swimmer or surfer or within 200 feet of a beach frequented by swimmers. Within 100 feet of shore, or within 100 feet of another vessel.

Lineups are crowded, there is never a justification for a PWC in the lineup unless itā€™s under permit from a special event or far away from others, in legal permitted operation zones if they exist.

Itā€™s not just about you, paddlers are more vulnerable and you are a direct threat.

Yeah, of course itā€™s cool! Even though you can get more waves faster via a PWC pony ride, have more fun surfing with your friend, and by step offs - saving energy and increasing barrel potential, donā€™t do it around others.


Until an attorney is present. How about if you kill yourself, what will that mean to your family? What do you think the final seconds of your life will be worth as you slip away?

Was it worth it or could you have stopped the flow? This is not a noble ending, you are worth so much more.

Surely you are valuable and have things you want to do, so make your behaviors equal to your value.

Your absence will be horrible, a horrific tragedy for those you leave behind. Let that sink in. You donā€™t want to go to prison for accidental homicide.

Take inventory and start to look at your deepest truths of vessel operational accountability.

This is not abstract, itā€™s a way of being and we all need strong mentors for the nature of our soul.

You need to mediate your tragedy or your success.

The Kaleidoscope of athletic pursuit is not reliant on the action, but the preparation of its success.

That requirement is one of a burden of tremendous responsibility. Itā€™s quadrupled when you are at the helm of a motorized vehicle. Itā€™s either used for the pursuit of excellence or itā€™s a 1,000 lb. bomb waiting to blow.

Personal Water Craft (PWC) are incredible power boats. They are modern in scope and have given us greater freedom and the ability to pursue dreams, careers, competitions, film and television, catch great fish, enjoy family gatherings, friendly club excursions, commune with nature, explore, experience incredible adventures and save lives, thousands of lives.

That is the benefit of owning or operating a PWC; the glory of freedom.

The problem with Personal Water Craft is people. It begins with the registered owner(s) who are legally responsible by law for everything that happens with that craft and whom they bring on-board or loan their boat to operate.

The rebate check can quickly become the registered owners friends and family members the owner allows to operate. There is nothing wrong with a PWC. The risk and danger is the decisions a human puts into motion while operating a PWC.

There are too many poor examples not to have noticed this by the year 2019. Personal Water Craft came into the market place as we know them back in 1974. We have plenty of history to track, yet each generation starts over at the beginning, losing the insights of the creators of this sport. This is a dangerous pattern.

They have progressed and become popular modern power boats to own. They provide us with opportunity. They save money on storage due to their size, they are easy to transport, not difficult to maintain if one actually understands what that responsibility means.

The internet offers you the quickest way to intelligent operations. There are literally no more excuses available for anyone to hide behind.

Cool Beans! Step Off Surfing/bodyboarding, Tow surfing, Tow Foiling, Caddy Rides, new ways to get more waves or to use as a film platform for personal use or professional captures.

The best seamanship skills I have witnessed in recent years comes from the PWC fishing community. They have invested a significant amount of money into their rigs. They have communication devices, they monitor the weather, they study nautical charts, they know the seasons. They take risks but they have fairly effective measures for their outings in place regarding safety.

Recreational tours are becoming more popular. Many of these people think they are prepared but they need to ramp it up two levels. They are using fuel systems that are portable and really need to get an inspection and get those boats signed off by a mechanic. Risk of explosion and fuel spills are imminent especially if they capsize or lose their craft underway.

Falling overboard can cause injury, and towing from long distances is a study of itself.

If used for the purpose of lifesaving, proper and current qualification training and scrutiny of Coxswain candidates and equipment is required if not necessary. Reviews and critical assessments are annual, accidents are reviewed and remedial action is applied swiftly.

Itā€™s a true vessel of our times; itā€™s modern, fast, and aggressive and compliments our competitive nature. But that needs to be harnessed and not unleashed recklessly.

If this describes you, where do you begin?

You back up. Pick your poison, there is risky solutions and both can be horrible or equal depending upon the challenging situation you entertain. You can choose the one you are willing to suffer with, engage your dopamine, be willing to know what you are doing, who you are and what you are willing to risk.

Go back to your foundation. Review your basic boating course you had to take and assess your responsible behaviors.

Once you master that you move forward to listing all the potential harm you can cause. Such as wear your lifejacket, use your engine cut off switch properly, the basics.

Donā€™t be an incompetent operator that is easy fodder for the twitter mobs. And if you do, you deserve it.

You decide, you can become tyrannical in your pursuits and restrict your possibilities and you can damage community. When you cut corners, you increase the associated costs. You donā€™t want to lose that chance and squander the opportunity to be great because you may not get it back again.


If you are not prepared to be economically realistic with Personal Water Craft ownership donā€™t get one. Resist, avoid, walk away and donā€™t succumb to mediocrity.

Pay up properly and understand the investment ratio to hours of use. The stakes are too high. What are some of the items you need?

1. Payment of the craft and registration fees
2. Boaters insurance, life insurance (make your will while you are at it)
3. Hourly maintenance schedule and inspection log book
4. Boating Education & recurring education
5. Ensure anyone who comes on board your PWC has training to protect your reputation, livlihood and insurance
6. Spare parts, mechanic fees, diagnostic checks
7. Trailer-maintenance, tires, axles, electrical, tie downs, registration fees (tow vehicle/hitch)
8. Personal Protective Equipment: Lifejacket(s), wetsuit, booties, gloves, eye protection
9. Communication systems: Radio, Whistle, GPS, trackers
10. Government required onboard safety equipment properly packed, waterproofed and stowed
11. Fuel and fluids (silicone, marine grease, wash down, cleaning agents)
12. Towable Aquaplane Devices (TAD) accessories (foils, rescue boards, towlines, inflatables)

Start with death and go backwards. Make admissions, visualize accidents you have read about and place your name in the storyline:
ā€˜Jet Skier dies, body missing, wasnā€™t wearing a lifejacket, family grieves, search continuesā€™

Here is what a lot of people do to evade responsibility, until itā€™s too late:

ā€¢ I can kill somebody and it will be an accident (but not really)
ā€¢ I can kill myself and my family and friends will deal with the ramifications of my choices
ā€¢ I can destroy the Personal Water Craft and try to claim insurance on it when I was in a ā€˜no-goā€™ zone, so I will lie about
the damages and location
ā€¢ I can kill one of my friends or somebody I didnā€™t know, maybe more than one person, but I will meet their family in court
after my arrest and impound of my Personal Water Craft and face my family.
ā€¢ Didnā€™t file a float plan, sunk my PWC, expect a ride from rescue services, didnā€™t learn my lesson
ā€¢ I can seriously injure myself or others so that I cannot go to work and pay my bills. I may need therapy or rehabilitation
and I donā€™t have the right medical policy to cover that. Maybe a friend will set up a GoFundMe and slightly lie about why
I need the money, not how I created the situation and I knew better.
ā€¢ Keep going, you can imagine all the potential items that can go wrong by your own volition.


This is something you need to attend to and it is worthwhile for not just you but everyone in the lineup. Donā€™t be blind in your selective situations.

Remember what is lying behind everything you select, every action, every turn and decision? Donā€™t bring on suffering because it is a tremendous burden and nobody deserves that potential risk.

Many PWC operators and their passengers are not boaters. They are thrill seeking reckless riders.

They ride above safe conditions, they place their passengers in harms way. They do not know how to right a capsized PWC, let alone understand that they are the ones capsizing it in the first place. They rarely carry proper marine communication devices. Very few are savvy enough to file a float plan.

They do not know what a buddy system is and if they do, selfishly ride off into the horizon ignoring their buddy. They rarely have functional emergency equipment onboard. They don't know how to navigate offshore, they will not spend money for anything that may effect their very life but want more horsepower.

This list is too long to mention. All you have to do is a google search on PWC accidents and the list of horrors is pages long. All preventable.

Surfers are not boaters. Not when they are surfing. That is a different activity.

Most surfers who use a Personal Water Craft are incompetent when it comes to seamanship skills, they get lucky a lot. then it happens, somebody gets hurt. Commonly they sensationalize the recovery results of their mishap because it suddenly got real and they did not prepare for 'real'.

They become instant heroes of the surf in rescue mode. They will call themselves rescuers at this point. Because they have proof on video they made it! Next you will see them running to take a CPR or First Aid Course.

Shouldn't that have happened long before they got into the water or when they first bought their PWC? They almost prepare backwards. Most of it is again poor mentorship leading them in the wrong directions first.

CPR and First Aid are common everyday needs that even businesses entertain for their employees. For Surfers its as if the big red light went off and oh we have CPR, okay.... good. Finally!

How long have you been surfing without CRP skills or basic first aid? If a surfer was a Junior Lifeguard they would have had this training as a child, or a seasonal lifeguard. More training discipline applies for a full time lifeguard. Never let the liability mindset slip away because of the activity. Hold onto it for dear life.

How long does it take for Lifeguards and surfers to catch up to the boating community and step outside of that waterman mentality and make friends with boating safety instructors who can get them where they need to go in competent training course based on science and evidence?

Note: Waterman as a term is a seasoned boater on the east coast and southern areas of the USA, so do not be confused with a surfer who calls themselves a waterman!

Merriam Dictionary: waterman: [noun] one who works or lives on the water: such as. a man who makes his living from the water (as by fishing). a person skill in rowing or boating, a boatman who plies for hire usually on inland waters or harbors.

Research these terms:
1. Boatsman
2. Boatsmanship
3. Boatswain
4. Watermanship
5. Coxswain
6. Helmsman
7. Skipper
8. Crew

If they had these boating skills the majority disregard using them on a PWC. They claim training but when challenged their training qualification is worthless. If I were to skill assess a surfer on a Personal Water Craft they would determine their current state of operations and realize their shortcomings in one hour of training.

Evidence does not lie. The great news, the increase would be incredible and their performance increase measurable!

So what is the point of wasting time? Make it 'right as rain'.

Those who forsake their boating basics easily become reckless and negligent in their operations incremental over time, sometimes due to peer pressure and have a finite disregard for the safety of others. It becomes a a slow seep and a lack of seamanship skills on a slippery slope of decline.

The evidence is based on videos they share. Their Towable Aquaplane Devices (TAD) are not secured safely, they do not use the engine cut off switch, they do not maintain the craft properly and have never taken a mechanic maintenance course. Many I question have not read their owner's manual and do not own a shop manual.

They lack torque specifications, properly tooling and their pumps are generally blown but they do not know it. Evidence is a tricky business, its hard to decline the science of fact. I know firsthand, that is how I learned, from those failures and I made a commitment towards being a competent boater.

I invite everyone to do the same. We can apply this same argument to recreational Personal Water Craft users and owners and many public safety agencies.

Itā€™s because these Operators have had poor mentors or they have imitated poorly themselves, and they fail to question repetitive results that are not favorable. The goal is to become an Able Seaman!

Or they simply disregard their training and boating safety because their ego is unbalanced on a dangerous precipice. Ego we need, yes, but not when it comes to learning, save that for the activity. Good mentors would call them out and set them straight ASAP!

A few get it and are respectful and we donā€™t hear about them because they do not draw attention to their mishaps. Their routine is secure and organized.

The noise usually comes at the expensive of a catastrophic failure. Itā€™s not cool to gawk at a mishap online. Nobody should take joy in knowing somebody experienced a catastrophic injury or accident. We should care and encourage them to get additional training or knowledge. We should not celebrate their failures.

No they are not heroes for surviving a mishap. The scope of sensationalism should not penalize a gifted athlete for anything less than surfing the best way they can attend or their Operator executing a seamless recovery. They donā€™t have to be in the surfzone either, trailering is just as dangerous on the road, but closer to shore they become more noticeable. Cameras donā€™t lie.

Think about how a PWC operator in the surf line doesnā€™t realize that others in the lineup are insignificant in populated surfing areas. This is not just for towsurfing teams but for recreational Personal Water Craft Operators who enjoy 'jumping waves'.

This brings a moral burden of expedient pleasure of liberty for them to pursue their short term operational goal at the expensive of delusional weakness that others cannot shrug off. Why is it delusional, a strong word? Because laws have been put in place due to past PWC operators causing harm and disrupting the safety of beach users experience. We have decades of precedents.

Each generation has lost what the other generation ruined for them, and their children and grandchildren. Those today are stuffed into small niches where liability increases due to close proximity and lack of safety services.

Itā€™s an easy pathway to disregard others, and itā€™s dangerous. And the mob of reason is growing. PWC surfers/safety/tow-in folks need to sit down and listen to the naysayers, they need to get in front of the public audience and listen.

Their migratory damage has already ruined great towsurfing, wave jumping and surfing areas around the world that are now off limits. Ask me how I know?

Letā€™s talk about South Africa and Mavericks, and Australia where they pump up justifications by their own actions for opposition to ban them by their lofty carnage video posts and hashtags to redirect the viewer.

Look closely at those hashtags for hints.

Then they cry foul and lean heavily on the 'rescue and safety' aspect of a Rescue Water Craft aka PWC they had nothing to do with to build that identity. We could call them poachers or imitators because they do not represent our community standards at all.

They steal the honor of rescue boat actions to defend the utility of their athletic pursuits and hide behind their mishaps. Let's be honest about this and stop baying the PWC safety message unless they do it properly, its a sham. Its easy to fix as well beforehand.

Where to start? Boating qualifications that are legally binding in a court of law, not your buddy saying you are okay as a waterman riding a Personal Water Craft. What boating organization scrutinized that program and approved it for use? Where are legal documents that certified that program and how did they base their scrutiny on our maritime requirements?

Your qualification should accompany strict operational guidelines and rules and have an expiration date and be backed by a qualified national boating program. Those programs need annual inspections. I have only witnessed a few of them to be true worldwide. The rest are suspect.

Many PWC users have RESCUE on the side of their boats and they are not rescuers, they need to remove those stickers and get into a qualified boat program that tests and evaluates them. Once they pass their scrutiny they will be able to place the stickers on their craft. Then they have to defend their boating actions from that point forward.

No more free for all BS sticker club placebo. If your instructor has not been evaluated theirs and your certificate of qualification is worthless.

That does not mean they cannot pull of a recovery or assist, because they can! Most of the rescues around the world are done by everyday heroes, recreational PWC operators conduct more recoveries than trained occupational Coxswains because they are on site.

The issue is liability. You know that risk management thing everyone talks about! But they are not discussing what it means in terms of Admiralty Law, Maritime Law, probably because they do not know about it themselves.

You need to know that application of boating law when an investigation adds you to the inquiry! Don't think you can evade it, you cannot. It's no different the vehicle laws and regulations.

For instance did you know the navigational Rules of the Road apply in the lineup? If you said yes, you passed!

Everyone is waiting for them to kill someone so they can pressure the authorities to ban them forever and spew hate. Who will it be?


Responsible people aim high, they donā€™t embrace the lowest denominator, they donā€™t jump off a cliff, they climb it. They are platinum, not copper. Everyone else is a distraction and a potential problem waiting to burden others.

Responsible people do their homework, they work hard, they are professional and not fragmented, and they comprehend risk and donā€™t want to hurt anyone. They want to succeed and are not afraid of it. They want to protect their sponsors and those they work with. They care about their family and friends.

They are not lazy, they are meaningful people with purpose. They stand out because there is something good in them fundamentally and they adhere to considerate behaviors so they donā€™t get sucked down by imposters.

Recreational PWC riders also like jackass attempts at gaining attention on social media. The film dumb stunts, spraying their friends down and perpetuating the stigma we face against their selfish antics. They end up in the news, exposed, and possibly facing a lawsuit if injuries occurred.

It gets real when you cannot go to work and take care of your life, so no better argument exists for this story!

They have very little boating etiquette, they cut off fishing boats, ride too close to other vessels and have no enforcement of navigational rules of the road. Their distance depth perception is awkwardly unsafe. They love to jump boat wakes and often have landed in the back of the boat they chase killing innocent people on board.

They are not schooled in how to operate their PWC efficiently, they complain to the dealership as if they did something wrong, when in fact its they way they take care of their PWC that is the culprit.

Those who disrespect our PWC boating culture are migratory thieves. They do not architect the future for our community, they destroy opportunity. It happens in the recreational PWC community and we see it more often in the surfing community because they love the camera and media attention.

Some of this is due to sponsorships or hopes of, and they too will sell out for silly mishap likes. Mutable problems of wrong that hold progress hostage. Sponsors will sell an athlete out if their mishap video renders millions of views when their amazing surfing video goes unnoticed. They become disposable assets.

These imitators are not the center of the surfing world, they are casting the future potential of dangerous boating behaviors into the lineup. Itā€™s like choosing between good and evil and that is entirely on them. This is an ultimate responsibility of your or their operational safety and everyone in a 300ā€™ foot radius you could impact in 100 different ways, and it needs to be made right.

This is not about short term pleasure or ego, or the primary call of adventure that is so terribly seductive, itā€™s the protection of the temptation to resist harming others.


See people in the lineup? A boat dead head, a fishing boat under tow, a SUP or kiter? Give wide berth, slow down, alter course, resist being you and become a prudent mariner. Burns to read this doesnā€™t it? It will burn red hot if itā€™s true and sting like a moā€™fucker, because the conscious of those guilty will not deny our flaws.

If the surf community is pissed off, listen to them and heed their advice. Drive away and find another wave, private but be prepared for your safety and those around you.

The wave cannot be blamed. The wave did not cause loss of control of the PWC, you did. You put the PWC there, you made the decision to position it, and you need to be competent enough to manage that choice. Have you even read the Ownerā€™s Manual yet? If not, write to me and I will send you one. Solutions are easy.

Have you considered the audience? Take a close look at a lineup all the way to the sandy shore of the nearshore drift. Do you have a right to take away their opportunity and elevate yours? Can you illustrate what their thoughts and fears may be observing youā€™re positioning? You need to do this.

You need to be them and they need to be you. If it doesnā€™t add up you are in the wrong place and have no business being there.
Is it illegal? Then you deserve to lose your boater license, be rolled back to training and having your vessel parked until you correct your safety behaviors, while you pay any necessary fines.

Itā€™s a privilege to operate a boat, donā€™t blow it because you are impulsive!

ā€¢ Close proximity to surfers or swimmers
ā€¢ Speed of PWC
ā€¢ Reckless negligent operation of a motorized vessel
ā€¢ Not wearing an approved lifejacket
ā€¢ Not using the Engine Cut Of Switch properly
ā€¢ Not maintain the vessel (not seaworthy)
ā€¢ Operating in unsafe conditions or overloading your vessel
ā€¢ Not having a tow line that is functional
ā€¢ Not knowing how to right a capsize Personal Water Craft
ā€¢ Violation of any Local, State, Federal, Province, Prefecture, Sanctuary, laws, rules or regulations
ā€¢ Swell, wave height, water depth, shoreline, tidal concerns
ā€¢ Time of day
ā€¢ Type of PWC being used-weight displacement, not to be operated in surf over 6.5ā€™
ā€¢ How many persons on board (POB)
ā€¢ Directional maneuvering of the PWC
ā€¢ Coxswain competency training for surf operations
ā€¢ Coxswain PWC license/boater ID card
ā€¢ PWC Insurance, registered owner liability
ā€¢ Required government safety equipment to be carried on board (inspected-minimum carriage)
ā€¢ Approved, properly sized and fitted lifejacket (PFD) for all persons on board (POB)

For some people, itā€™s not even worth the price of a Lifejacket. Their life is as cheap as $75.00 USD. I can get a really nice dinner for that!

But when you need it, you cannot afford it because itā€™s surfer and lifeguards have this chronic fear of being able to duck dive a wave. Itā€™s a very powerful jet driven boat, itā€™s not a surfboard, we are not duck diving.

If you have fear that you are going to lose the boat in the surf, there is a reason why you are afraid, and you will lose your boat. That means you have no business being there and donā€™t know what you are doing with it.

The irony is how big wave surfers cling to these inflatable devices but their PWC partners are afraid to wear a lifejacketā€¦makes no sense at all. Argument is over.

You are a boater first, everything else when you are at the helm is inconsequential in a court of law. How will you present yourself to a judge and jury if called into court, what defense will you be able to present?

How about changing the conversation? Turn it all around, turn up the volume. Start hanging out with competent PWC people who care and know what they are doing, associate yourself with knowledge instead of distractions that do not want you to succeed.

Here is what you can respect, and what you can do to guide your pursuits by discipline that will allow you to achieve measurable success:

1. GPS Tracking device properly charged and tethered to Coxswain
2. Marine VHF radio properly tethered to Lifejacket of Coxswain
3. Water Whistle (leash) on Lifejacket of Coxswain
4. File a Float Plan
5. Never go out alone, use the buddy system
6. Train effectively, donā€™t burn gas, train with purpose
7. Observe the weather and water reports (lightning is a no-go) while underway
8. Read the Ownerā€™s Manual, know how to do field repairs on the water and prepare your craft for launch
9. Carry proper tools and emergency supplies
10. Go over a safety plan in case things go bad or you end up helping others or need assistance yourself
11. Introduce yourself to the local authorities. Ask them to inspect your boat and give you advice
12. Know the area seasonally and study the local nautical charts, map out your timeframes and distance
13. Start logging your training and vessel maintenance, become a prudent mariner
14. Join this group:
15. Or this one:
16. Become the Solution - Get competency evaluated by an accredited course provider

Join something worthy of your life, get on board with a trusted resource, invest properly, stop wasting your time. Get ahead of the costly 'mistake curve'.

You don't have to be the first person, so get over yourself, you can never be the first person if you didn't create it. You have imitated from other people and you owe your mentors credit. That is what helps us check our ego.

I would like to pay homage to my ancestors, my DNA and to Brad Southworth and Virgil Chambers for what they taught me, and Pamela Dillon. These are my teachers. Thank you to Mr. Jacobson and to Kawasaki Motors Corporation for putting this into motion. To all their employees and to the other OEM's who got on board years later.

I learned from my PWC mistakes when I began in 1979, I know this business and human behavior. I have over 37,000 hours of training alone. I own that and I am still alive because I paid attention. Our shortcomings, our struggles are real.

Strong words shared here because the truth of these matters will awaken a person who needs correction and determine that your/their awareness will no longer permit you/them to remain asleep.

Trust me, that mishap that death or that injury is coming like a freight train on your wrong way track and you wonā€™t be able to stop it, but you can today.

If your friends cared about you and much as I do in this moment, you would not be reading my advice, getting pissed off and angry, wanting to call me some crappy name.

Because your real friends should have squared you away immediately and pointed you in the right direction. But they didnā€™t.

You can redeem yourself individually when you are no longer overwhelmed with the risk and embrace the power of scale you can incorporate in your operational efficiency. Imagine what responsibility will add to your ability to solve problems that you need.

1. Save Time
2. Save Money
3. Increase efficiency
4. Increase athletic potential
5. Accessory and PWC are not damaged
6. No hospital bills
7. No down time or frustration
8. Cause no harm

You wonā€™t have to avoid the short term at the expense of the long term gain, its happiness in your pursuits that gives you greater purpose and kills off the cynical binge of disaster.

Possibly I am old enough to be your mother or your grandmother, and there is great wisdom in that. I care about your reputation and your life and you better listen because you are not replaceable. Learn from the first or second generation, the source. Respect your elders and predecessors. Listen to them as I do mine.

Somebody has to speak to you about your true value and care enough to say the reasons why you donā€™t want these mistakes. You cannot afford to screw up your life. The price is too high for you to bear, itā€™s not a place you want to put yourself in.

This is a reason to become better than what you were doing, offer it to yourself and increase your value. Argue any of these points in this story with evidence science and fact. Because if you are willing to investigate you are trainable. you can learn.

Many people cannot be trained. And I would suggest you not get on a boat with those persons.

Now start caring about yourself properly. And remember; I am you and you are me.

Remember who you are.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Posted: February 27, 2019

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the worldā€™s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



The intention of failure motivates others to fail. So the experience becomes familiar and then everything is okay in the worst possible way.

What is the answer for this?

The framework of the answer is in the validity of achievement.

Is achievement protected in the measure of repetitive failure so that only one element of the hierarchy cannot be disputed?

Some people don't want to succeed because they are only familiar with not forging ahead. Sometimes its due to budget, sometimes to political edges and sometimes its a personal problem. And sometimes its because of poor imitation.

Familiarity can become dangerous if its aligns with complacency. High risk operations require a higher level of accounting. Don't slack or back down, stay on the edge of concern and manage it. Slow things down if its getting too fast.

How about we focus on the definition of failure:

1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success:
His effort ended in failure. The water rescue was a failure.

2. nonperformance of something due, required, or expected:
a failure to do what one has promised; a failure to appear.

3. a subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency:
the failure of the team


Don't assume everything will be fine. Know your team. Know your equipment. Risk is a real problem for us, managing it is even more severe. Take inventory and be honest. You will feel better and everyone will benefit from your leadership concerns

What is our rational purpose of the consequence of lifesaving? WE have several elements:

1. The Mindset of the Team and Leadership
2. The assets put in place
3. The management of the marine unit needs

We can outline in a practical manner the route of failure.

Its conducted by the review of our mishaps, the study of maritime history or the evaluation of other agency mishaps and an honest accounting of the pitfalls therein.

The paramount issue that faces our Maritime RWC culture is ā€˜what do to do about that? A discovery phase must be embarked.

One answer is to find the meaning of the utility of RWC purpose and effective us and the associated safety of those risks observed. We need to question but not miss the point.

We have to discover these before we are led away to another mishap by those who enforce failure by doing nothing at all to remedy it.

In our world we deal with suffering, either from malevolence, natural incidents, accident or ignorance, these are some of the instance of accident or peril.

We are a point of contact in that path, but recovery continues after tragedy for everyone. Hence, review, review, review!

Bearing the tragic consequence surrounding water rescue, is the notice of engaging in something meaningful, something sacred.

For those who lost their compassion they often choose the adversarial account of survivors, distancing themselves from the meaningful action that is worth the suffering and controversy to modernize a program.

Allow your survivors to teach you well.

Question a way of being that may need to be modified or retired. Courage to conduct actions in a manner that can reveal itself in the moment of risk that are relationship bound. You, your craft, your mechanic, your team, the survivors.
This is the price of experience.


Its even more important to question products, their structural failures and common sense red flags. If you have catastrophic failures with purchased gear, document the issues and contact the manufacturer with your concerns.

Ask for for remedial solutions. Make sure that it's not because you abused the product or mismanaged it, and if it is - address that head on with your team.

Taking responsibility with your own volition for the suffering and tragedy of those in peril while you are operating and work to remediate it as a conduit of good. You may be saving your own life first.

Here is what I tell myself when working: I am you and you are I. I am like the survivor and they are like myself. My experience is that I want to come home safely, not take reckless actions into emotion, but to be responsible for my actions and remediate accordingly to success.

I donā€™t want to place a barrier in my experience by jumping a wave with my RWC, operating in fear, not having technical control in confined spaces and on and onā€¦

Reject the excuses of those who provide barriers and fail to bear the responsibility of leading properly. Question everything presented to you in the RWC training workups by conducting you own vigilance.

ā€¢ Get to know the maritime community.
ā€¢ Become knowledge of the ATONs
ā€¢ Understand the mechanics of your Rescue Water Craft and appropriate maintenance
ā€¢ Learn about atmospheric pressure systems and water conditions
ā€¢ Investigate new technologies and products
ā€¢ Become curious about private companies and their leading edges of real world experience

If you do not believe this is relative and reject it there is something wrong in your soul. There is a path of rejecting failures that would present to you your own.

Fear the lack of progress. It can cause great harm to you and others.


Posted 1.13.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.


Know where you will end up, because there are two ways to have an ending. Good and Bad.

You can look at it this way. Just don't drive the Rescue Water Craft.

Drive the Rescue Water Craft with purpose!

Our Coxswains operations are sustainable. They know where they are going and how it is going
to end and can position their craft accordingly.

They don't lose, they gain because they have hours of study, and skill set actions, they
put in the hard work during training and they outwork everyone else.


This is the operational behavior called the 'Johnny-B'.

Essentially the Coxswain will draw an imaginary "J" with the "B"ow of the boat with the stern as the delivery end point.

This is a standard in helm general maneuvering.


Notice how many rescue operations you have observed where the ending is close to negligence?

They cannot secure their Rescue Water Craft.
Their positioning is dangerous.
They don't have a plan for their survivors....and it goes on and on.

Why do people accept this?
Because they are not challenged to be great, they are appreciated to be mediocre.

Focus more on your endings and less on your recoveries! Why? Because anyone can recover others,
but only K38 Qualified Coxswains secure their endings and do not cause harm.

There is a distinct difference and we are the solution. Why? Because we care, and so should you.


Posted 1.7.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

If rescued by a Rescue Water Craft during a flood, what should you do?

Keep Thinking-Keep Moving

Flood Rescue using Personal Water Craft (PWC)

Oftentimes people will be recovered by citizens who own a PWC during flood events. Why is that?

Because most often in widespread disasters we are on our own and we help one another. There may not be organized rescue for a few days.

These images below are from Japan in November 2018 during severe flooding the nation experienced. It's not the first time Japanese have used Personal Water Craft for evacuations. During the Tohoku tsunami of 3.11.2011 Mr. Imazaki rescued over 100 persons in extremely dangerous freezing conditions at night.

Masayuki Imazaki

Wake of Fame Inductee: Phoenix Award

The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami PWC Rescues (ę±ę—„ęœ¬å¤§éœ‡ē½, Higashi Nihon Daishinsai)

PWC Operator: Mr. Imazaki, 40 years of age, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Owner: Higashi Nippon Marina ā€“ PWC Dealer ā€˜Marine Mechanicā€™

They represent our 'Everyday Heroes' conducting rescues of their neighbors. This is an experience occurring around the world as floods are the number one reason people drown worldwide, and a Personal Water Craft is one of many small craft that assist during the critical and initial food stage.

When you look at this images study them. Learn from them. Try to place yourself on that roof, or on that shoreline.

What do you need to know if you are in a flood and a person brings a Personal Water Craft (PWC) to you to evacuate from?

Watch out for wakes and the water jet pump

This is not training per-se, but an awareness article, something to think about. You could possibly apply this to other vessels as well.

This is a problem for us, having this kind of discussion is rarely a topic of anyoneā€™s top ten list but we have to go here. K38 wishes that you adopt your own 'Safety Behavior' for yourself and your loved ones by being educated in advance of water disaster such as flood, earthquake-tsunami or storm surge.


Did you know we host along with the Rescue Water Craft Association a Disaster Preparedness Education Group on Facebook?

Here is a link to the group, you may be interested in the outstanding educational editorial posted, visit the UNITS section: Disaster Preparedness Education Group

I am going to share with your potential issues or concerns from the perspective of an evacuee.

Iā€™m not going to share with you the thousands of successful flood rescue recoveries conducted by citizens who have no water rescue training. They may not have professional training but they are doing great work and we are very proud of their efforts!

These are very good craft to use because of their shallow draft, which means they can operate in shallow waters. As long as there is no underwater hazards, these are great power boats for confined spaces.

They can also navigate in close or confined quarters (tight spaces). They are a great ā€˜point of contactā€™ craft. However debris can be a problem as well as strong currents, or capsizing due to lack of effective balance.

I would encourage you first to ask of the Personal Water Craft operator who is responding to your situation effective questions about how you will be transported and what to expect in case of an emergency. Make a plan first!

Remember this boat does not have a lot of room for bringing on a lot of personal items. Those would be best stowed in a towed vessel astern (behind) the Personal Water Craft if there is one, use it.

You probably will not be dry, meaning that it could be raining, your feet will get wet (pants), and you will experience spray from moving forward. You must consider the wind chill effect as well when underway, you may find yourself colder than when you started.

You can drop things and lose them in the water as well, so hold onto and secure your personal items.

Be careful of electrical lines

Be exceptionally aware of downed utility or power lines, you do not want to experience shock or electrical burns. Be careful of your surroundings and what you touch.

It may be difficult to hear, so you may have to talk loudly or yell to communicate.


There are probably 2 types of Personal Water Craft that citizens will use:

1. Sport - Capacity: 1 to 2 persons on board
2. Runabout - Capacity: 1 to 3 persons on board

*. Runabouts can also have a Rescue Board attached to the stern if its a volunteer Search and Rescue Group or public safety agency, oftentimes these are the color yellow but not always.

Both of these Personal Water Craft have what is called 'weight load limits'. These are set by the weight on board and can be somewhat rated by adding together the total human weight but not to exceed it for calm conditions. Obviously the more stable craft will be a three-seater type craft we call a 'Runabout'.

You can tell this by the way the seating looks on the Personal Water Craft. Do you see that three people can sit down?

How do you hold on? You can hold onto the waist of the operator in front of you, or onto a strap on the back of their lifejacket. But do not tug them, they can lose their balance.

Some models have a seat strap that goes across the front seat area.

Some models have hand held finger grasp imprints along the plastic that is the re-boarding handle. See if you can identify any of these areas to use for stabilizing your position on the craft.

Your feet should remain in the footwell areas while you are facing forward in a seated position. Do not stand up underway! Falls overboard can occur.

When re-boarding be mindful that some of these craft do not have a neutral position but will be in idle moving forward from 2 to 4 miles per hour.

Some of these models may have a retractable re-boarding step below the molding on the deck area, near where the directional steering nozzle is at the back of the craft below the waterline. You can see if there is one or ask the operator, you can feel for it and pull it downward to get your knee onto it, but be mindful it can retract back into its resting position when released.

Use due caution when loading on a Personal Water Craft (PWC)

Moving pets is a different topic altogether, use common sense and be careful!

Sometimes you will see a rescue board (TAD-Towable Aquaplane Device), that is a flat device that is on the stern of the craft to the waterline. It is secured with 3 tie downs to the stern (back) of the Personal Water Craft. You may be asked to lay flat, hold onto the front handles and watch out for spray in your face.

You can expect to get wet and you will have water wash over the rescue board and it may be spraying in your face, so we advise you to be cautious of this during flood events. (Again we prefer to not to use a rescue board in flood stages professionally, except for small livestock and pets).

It is best if you do not stay near the waterline, because of debris, contaminants, cold, and fixed objects underwater. It is better if you can be up on the rear seat behind the Personal Water Craft (PWC) Operator. This means that the craft will be less stable with a higher center of gravity from body positioning however. The rescue board can be used as a ramp to help guide you towards the seat.

We really do not support the use of a TAD (Rescue Board in Floods) for transporting humans. However we know from video evidence people are using them. Not every flood location and water inundation is the same, proceed with due caution. Be aware of the risks and hazards. They can be a serious entrapment issue. We do not like to see people being dragged at the waterline, with their lower legs in the water. They can strike submerged debris or have foot entrapment or loss of footwear.

TAD handles can catch, and become an entrapment issue. If moving in current with weight on board, the board can fold and force people into the water again. So, its not recommended in fact we strongly suggest to not use a TAD unless working with small livestock for loading. TAD's may have to be destroyed if used in flood rescue work, keep that in mind.

However, for those who still continue onward here are some suggestions for both survivors, crew and coxswains:

1. Kneeling on the Rescue Board
2. Laying Face Down on the Rescue Board

Oftentimes people sit upright on a rescue board. This is less centered balance, especially if you are near the back of or the end of the board. Keep your body forward and place a hand on the re-boarding handle behind the back seat to steady yourself.

If you have an operator who applies sudden throttle to the helm, you may experience a sharp 'lurch' forward or to the sides, hold on tight as this can set you off balance and back into the water. Take your safety seriously when using a rescue board, you do not want to fall backwards. Be mindful of hair or loose clothing wrapping on the handles.

The Rescue Board can slip below the surface at the midpoint, but it is connected to the stern cleat of the Personal Water Craft (PWC). This makes it a bit awkward to board until you get closer towards the back of the PWC, then the board will rise towards the surface but that back end will still be below the surface as it is dragged forward.

Think of the Rescue Board as two distinct halves. The strongest point for you is closer to the back of the Personal Water Craft. No matter what make sure your pelvis is above the back of the rescue board and not dragging in the water.

Also you may need to coax and assist others with boarding, so pay attention to additional weight changes.

Rescue Board

You can also hold your legs up from the knees when laying flat as they can trail in the jet thrust and pull your shoes off, especially if you have loose fitting shoes. Stay centered on the rescue board and hold on to the top two forward handles you will be looking at.

Do not hold onto the center line attached to the Personal Water Craft. Do not hold onto the re-boarding handle if you are laying face down on the board. Simply hold on with both hands, keep a watch and stay alert for the water conditions underway.

Watch where you place your fingers, you don't want them to get pinned, pinched or smashed especially if you are wearing rings on your fingers, remember the Rescue Board pivots and moves, this means you may lose your grip or find that you are not holding onto a safe area, think about where your hands are and reconsider positioning.

Towing a boat with Survivors behind a Personal Water Craft

Sometimes a rescue board is not used for transporting survivors but a boat is being towed behind it where people are placed. The same principles apply, set your body position in a stable part of the towed boat and find a seated position and observe for safety issues ahead while underway. Keep a watch on the boat you are on, look for any water pooling in the bottom by your feet or how high the water is to the side of the boat.

Oftentimes boats are overloaded due to the emergency and not having effective training as volunteers. Question the safety and ask the operator to make a second trip if you believe its unsafe to continue. Remember, you can communicate your concerns!


It is desirable if the Personal Water Craft operator maintains a level, steady and stable PWC for you while maneuvering to a safe landing, but this may not be the case with untrained volunteers. You may find yourself back in the water in a worse situation than you were in, so think along the route about the hazards, trust your instinct!
You may notice depending upon the currents and speed of the Personal Water Craft some shifting of the towed boat taking place.

Always maintain a watch! You may find that you have to help out sometime.

It is most important to realize when the PWC begins to slow down that you need to start counterbalancing, as the stern wake catches up the PWC can start to roll slightly. Usually the PWC flips because the operator is unaware of this action as well as passengers. You may have to conduct slight counter balance measures to assist.

Two Persons laying flat, side by side, holding forward 2 handles

The most important thing for you is when the Personal Water Craft stops. How to get off? Wait for the Operator to bring the Personal Water Craft to a complete stop first. Observe what is ahead of you and start to prepare for your exit.

Its easier to get off by climbing off the back, from the seat. It is the most stable part of the craft. If you exit from the right (starboard side) or the left (port side) you will discover that the Personal Water Craft will pitch or roll off its centerline which is the most stable part of the craft. If you have been sitting on the seat you will notice this.

Forward propulsion stabilizes the PWC, so when it is stopped you can expect increased motion from the craft, counter balance.

Be careful stepping off! You don't know what you are stepping onto, make sure your have good foot contact so you don't roll your ankle in soft mud or dirt or get tripped on debris. Plant one foot at a time and maintain your balance during each step.

Take your time and go slow. Don't be nervous, focus on your surroundings. You donā€™t know what you will be stepping on, so get a firm foot down first. Don't let your ankle roll or jump or dive off. Remember the Personal Water Craft moves a lot, so prepare yourself for that, its a very small craft.

Never lock your knees or arms when riding, unless you have an injury.

Loading from a roof line can be dangerous, slow down and take your time!

Safety is a Behavior

If you have the ability to put on a lifejacket that is even better! (Or have some type of flotation with you if you are not a strong swimmer). Do so immediately and properly secure all the buckles for a good fit. If you have children with you take care of them first.

Remember an adult lifejacket may not be the best measure for small children, they can slip out of them due to inadequate sizing! Let the children know verbally what is happening so they are not scared, give them key information to help them deal with the situation and tell them if they fall overboard to go into a 'floating position' or to swim towards shore, or if the PWC capsizes to 'stay with the PWC'.

If you have brought a small pet with you, be mindful of their behavior. They may be distressed and want to bite at others. Make sure you have secured them with a collar, leash, muzzle or a very firm grip. Remember, pets are protective and may not respond to people helping them positively especially a uniformed person.

If you are bringing any electronics such as a smart phone, be mindful this is a wet ride and items easily fall overboard or out of pockets and you will get wet or lose them!

If you have been a witness to a drowning or lost a loved one, pet or livestock, you will have to hold on a little longer till you get to a safe area. It will be important for you to seek help and to talk about the experience at some point. Evacuations are a long process of loss to many degrees.

At this critical time, 'Life and Safety' are most critical and should be your primary concerns.

Once safe, everything else can be dealt with, but first its imperative to get you out of a risk zone and to a safe zone.

If you experience a problem underway, such as the water jet pump being fouled with debris, or the PWC capsizes or you fall off the PWC, you can do something to help yourself and others. But first discuss it before your board a vessel!

If the Personal Water Craft capsizes remain calm! Tell yourself not to panic or be afraid. Especially if you do not have a fastened lifejacket. What you do next is vital.

Since you have been observing for hazards you already know where the currents are going and any downstream or upstream or surrounding hazards, you may have to start swimming away from objects if you are going to drift into them.

These may be called strainers and they can be deadly. A strainer is a fixed object that water can pass through but objects get pinned against them.

If you are not taking care of small children or pets, immediately when you surface roll onto your back and float face upward to the sky, and relax and breathe.

Get control of your thoughts and take a look around for safe landings or objects to grab onto. You may have to help the Personal Water Craft operator to right their capsized PWC. It's not hard to do! The sooner the PWC gets righted the sooner you will reach safety.

Re-boarding from the water line can be exhausting. Take it slow and counter balance. If you focus it will be easier to determine what needs to be done and you will do great!

Righting a Capsized Boat

1. You will see an intake with metal bars on it, that's the water intake screen. Place your fingers on the outside of the bars and start to pull the PWC towards you. You can also place a knee up on the edge of the capsized PWC, and give it a few tugs!

2. Once the PWC starts to roll over, it will settle in an upright position. For four stroke engines we wait 10 seconds till we restart, but if the PWC is upside for over two minutes it becomes more difficult and the engine compartment can start seeping water making it heavier than usual.

3. The Engine Cut Off Switch will be needed to re-start the craft, the operator should have this, but they can break or float away. If using a Kawasaki Ultra model, open the glove box below the helm and remove the immobilizer key and re-key it to start. You will hear a chirping sound.

4. Re-board the craft from the back stern deck, not the sides. Stabilize and take your time. Observe for hazards you may be floating towards.

You will need the engine cut off switch to restart the engine. If you are on a BRP Sea Doo the engine cut off switch on newer models is digitally coded, as are the Kawasaki Ultra models immobilizer key. Keep all electronics away from these!

Follow the diagram on the stern of the PWC (If it has not been removed)


If you find yourself in the water, a simple technique of floating will help you and others! Do not panic! Learn how to float on your back using the Uitemate technique from Japan.


Japanese technique "uitemate" on preventing drowning

Uitemate Method

When you get closer to a landing area, start to think ahead of what you need to do and be mindful of. Allow the Personal Water Craft operator to complete their final maneuvering. Continue to counter balance.

You may find that your legs have gone to sleep in a strange position or the cold has caught up to you. Take your time moving and getting off the Personal Water Craft.

Be mindful of the soil or area your feet will make contact with. Do not dive. Do not jump! Place your feet down slowly and firmly. You do not want to roll an ankle or trip and fall into the water.

If you can and are physically able, assist others from disembarking.

If you have any open cuts or wounds, you may need to get them cleaned out from contact with the water.

Now its time to get ready for your next evacuation plan, a shelter or a staging area or counseling!

Hopefully you never have this experience but these are some of the items I would like you to be aware of so you donā€™t experience any fear, frustration or worry. Better to know something than to know nothing at all.

Thanks for your time! Ask any questions you may have!

Special thanks to our Everyday Heroes in these photos. I am sending all my best thoughts to the responders in Japan, please join me!

Special thanks to this blog post:

Posted 11.25.2018

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Back in late 2017 a Kidde fire extinguisher recall notice was sent throughout our Marine community. However we have noticed many of our colleagues are not using fire extinguishers in their Rescue Water Craft. We are required by law to carry on board the proper fire extinguisher. Since the recall, there has been confusion on what type will fit in the secure areas onboard Rescue Water Craft. Sharing with you the fire extinguishers we are using on our K38 Kawasaki Ultra LX Jet Skis. Please read this article and make sure you replace yours if you did not get the notice!

November 2, 2017 - In conjunction with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Kidde announced a recall to replace certain Kidde fire extinguishers. The replacement program was initiated because certain fire extinguishers can become clogged or require excessive force to activate, posing a risk of failure to discharge. In addition, the nozzle can detach with enough force to pose an impact hazard. The product recall involves two styles of Kidde disposable fire extinguishers: plastic handle fire extinguishers and plastic push-button fire extinguishers.

At Kidde, the safety of our customers is our priority. We have identified a potential product safety issue related to certain fire extinguishers.

As a result, Kidde is voluntarily recalling these extinguishers. This guide will help you identify whether your fire extinguisher is included in the recall, and show you where to find the information needed to process your request for a free replacement.

Affected Fire Extinguishers with Plastic Handles
There are two styles of fire extinguishers included in the recall: certain plastic handle fire extinguishers and push-button Pindicator fire extinguishers.

If the extinguisher has a gauge, the first thing to look for is a vertically oriented pull pin that is either fixed with two connections or hanging with a single connection.

Push-Button Pindicator Fire Extinguishers
The other type of affected extinguisher is the push-button Pindicator design. These extinguishers have push buttons, and a T-shaped pull pin and a loop handle. These units come in two sizes and are either red or white.

First Alert Marine Compact Fire Extinguisher 5-B:C


Note to Personal Watercraft Owners
If your push-button Pindicator model is used with a personal watercraft, Kidde does not currently have an exact replacement for it, but will provide a replacement that is U.S. Coast Guard rated, and similar in size. While it may not fit in the same location as the extinguisher that you currently have, there may be another space on your watercraft where the extinguisher can be stored or mounted.


Non-Affected Fire Extinguishers with Metal Handles
If your extinguisher has a metal handle and metal pull pin ā€“ in any style ā€“ it is not affected.

Non-Affected Fire Extinguishers with Plastic Handles
Plastic handle extinguishers with horizontal plastic pull pins and a curved black plastic handle are also not affected.

These units come in various sizes and are either red, white or silver and can be ABC or BC rated but the important thing to remember is the horizontal plastic pull pin and curved black plastic handle.

For more information about how to determine if your extinguisher is affected:

Recall Video

Affected models

We have Four Kawasaki Ultra LX 2017 Jet Ski models currently. These are the fire extinguishers we recommend.

Posted: 8.31. 2018

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.