You may have the concept of what you are doing operationally, but it may not have been tested. This is why audits provide value and insight needed for refinement and correction.
Folks who garnered professional behaviors invested time to evolve. You don’t want to move from a beginning and pretend you arrived at the expert level in a fast succession of one or two training sessions.
You may not know where you are in the spectrum of proficiency. And you have the will to change this by volition. Do not aim for learning during an incident. Go to the scene armored up and functional.
You plan out your effort by mapping patterns that begin at the baseline, the knowledge base. You migrate from knowing your equipment. Being able to repair and replace your Personal Protective Equipment. Mastery of the operations of your vessel.
Comprehension of water and wind dynamics, geomorphic terrain, elevation and physics.
Then you know how to read the warning signals of damage, impending problems and troubleshoot the future results, which could be any minute. And finally, you know enough to repair your vessel, inspect and audit its performance. Maintain records and stay in step with the currency demands of change.
When you get that nailed, you can move onto working with humans in distress. Extract, assist or recover them in calm to dynamic situation, day and night. Properly kitted up. Not pretending you can do this.
If you don’t know these things you are virtually a probable predator, pretending you are operating in a fantasy of expertise.
Trust me, what lurks in that arena, will put you in death, hospital or lawsuit, ruin your reputation, or your agency.
Don’t permit this to become you. And do not trust a person who is reckless, beware.
Do not listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You need truth to proceed. Your reputation and life are too precious to be destroyed by an emotional distraction.
It’s call deception.
K38 does not want any of you to experience failure, only the greatest measure of success through acquiring expertise.
You got this! Be fearless in your inventory and your actions will follow suit.
Your success is measured by your determination and will. We need good people like you.
Posted: March 7. 2-23
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Caution: Visit page (site) terms and conditions. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions and country of origin regulations. The opinions and information in this post is subject to change as industry alerts, methods or notices are administered through laws, rules, cautions, regulations, or industry standards and will not be reflected in the original post date. Use at your own discretion, risk and caution.
K38 Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education, jobsite safety and standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers, Public Safety Agencies, Military and Rescue Water Craft operators. Dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care and competency