RWC Best Practices based on the will of the Coxswain, the instructor or program manager:
How to preserve instruction?
Well instruction is more important than safety itself, because safety is a word that is reliant on human behavior.
If that behavior was not laid out properly with effective disciplines and enforcement, there is no reason to assume that a program will succeed.
It will succeed to induce injury or a mishap.
Then most program managers or investigators will conclude here are the examples of wrong and these are the items that will change. This is wrong.
This is the protection of incompetency and liability.
It should be the other way around:
1. Behavioral Training
2. Safety is enforced from behavioral training
The human element must be managed. This may take the form of the following:
1. Inspection lists
2. Tests, quizzes, exams
3. Behavior handling of a Rescue Water Craft under scrutiny
4. Remedial corrections
5. Discipline
Will used as thought that is purposeful is part of reason.
The argument is how to apply value and on what metrics will those values be determined?
How do we achieve reason, or that which is reasonable in Rescue Water Craft Operations?
That is where standards are rooted in the core existence of operational security.
It has to be effectively communicated with rational discussion and expression.
There is where we find that standards can reveal a mutable exchange of benefits that are based on the faith of those who have invested in the reasonable conclusions. These conclusions should not be based on assumptions but on evidence.
Reason can uphold the necessity of safety and instruction. If the reason for a RWC program is not clearly defined, or researched then that neglect will only ensure the success of a struggle which results in an accident.
Isn’t this a betrayal of seamanship skills?
It is time for each RWC Coxswain to take personal responsibility and be reasonable with their choices. The message should be positive and fearless. Each of you are a mentor to others.
Be sure your videos, photos and examples are the ‘best practice’ and not a poor imitation or a reckless struggle for others to imitate. You are each responsible for that reason. Conduct review, be honest, be humble and be liberated to make changes that pivot you away from accidents and harm.
This requires inspection, discussion and review, constant review and modernization.
Then repeat.
Posted: August 13, 2019
Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.
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Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.