A highly trained one. Why?

A complex question cannot take one minute or one sentence structure to placate the format of thought that would not entertain a necessary discussion. The discussion must be productive.

It requires a CON-versation. If people are satisfied with a quick answer, they are the problem. They encourage mishaps. They most likely defend them. These are called excuses.

What is worthy discussion is the proper formulation to a rule, getting to the ‘devil in the details'. It is called conscious. That is our active and aware internal warning system that alerts us what we should not do.

This is a warning, its internal and its sacred. This is what keeps people alive under pressures unknown.

Precisely the determination in a moment facing death, mortality, not existing, can be held within a fraction of a second decision.

What was it in me that caused me to ride head on into a mountain of a moving wall of ocean water, instead of turning and running in panic? And not one wave, but a train of waves out to sea on a very small power boat, which makes no sense.
I made a decision based off of a bevy of input that was manifest inside me through hard work, attending to the details and listening to God. That internal guide of life, the miracles we cannot explain.

There is an answer to this. It’s not the one people want to hear.

What does highly trained offer to the profound listener? They know what is coming. They can anticipate the situation unfolding in front of them and they understand what their positioning should be in advance.

This is become they do not lack the know-how. It is understood that those who cannot handle effectively the risks, known or unknown are behind the curve of anticipation. They are delayed, waiting for something to happen to face it and apply facts. Underway you have to be 3 steps ahead, not 6 steps behind. This is not complex reasoning, its common sense.

The potential of what we are hunting is to secure a future experience of a conscious goal we want to attain. If that goal is haphazard, a poor imitation or an apprehension of reality, the selection will actualize in a terrible result. This is a strong possibility.

If the actual experience is not realized as a successful mission, the preparation was wrong. This must be attended to; it is called remedial action. The problem is this type of person is already dangerous.

They have no platform of realistic measures versus a potential never realized. This is the trap. They put the past forward of the future and reward mishaps, don’t accept or realize the poor choices.

There is an ethical argument regarding these kinds of choices, these poor performers, these haphazard programs. The safety of the program is held hostage in the actions of the program. If they don’t exist, it will be easy to see in truth.

We’ve attained enough historical evidence to see this as a pandemic of neglect instead of an encounter of Watermanship behaviors.


The problem is the handlers of the boat or the program are not good. Our goal is to create that which is good, that means we are accountable.

The pressures, risks and demands are not on the boat. Those who earned it by vetting, are. They don’t operate under a lie. It requires effort, dedication and study. Study in the books, and study on the water; study of the craft.

They are not learning it be trying to recreate it. Mishaps are not glorified as capability, but admonished as failure.

They don’t think that free is full steam ahead. They invest in their behavioral learning.

Knowing that the process of acquisition of knowledge is the way.


Our training decisions have to be right.

Or our field decisions will be wrong.

When people want a free, fast, short answer, it’s precisely the time to get away from them. Don’t let them on your boat and do not go on the water with them. Stop the harm.

Encourage them to get properly trained and engage in the boating education process. Nobody can help a broken ego fix itself, but you can protect your own by ethical choices.

Start thinking and performing on a level that your operational choices can transform Watermanship as an actual function and represent our community instead of harming it.

Instead of being tempted to make horrific mistakes, understand that you control the helm.

The boat does not hit the rock, capsize or lose control.

And here we have the truth of our choices, what we select is our responsibility. It is not potential; it is what we did right from the start.

Faithfully yours,



Posted: July 17, 2020

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Come train with us and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!

Caution: Visit page terms and conditions. Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.

What it Means to be a Rescue Water Craft Coxswain


One must have the internal dedication and fortitude to apply oneself towards mastery, proper use of vessel care and inspection; maritime law, and seamanship skills.

To use proper care and utility of personal protective equipment, communications and navigation.

To be competent working as an individual or on a team under duress during recoveries of humans and animals with extreme pressure from the elements applied at the moment while on a mission.

To finish the ending with a safe transport and consideration of a stable vessel and survivor care.

To act properly when at the helm or on-board towards the goal of patrol duties and rescue needs.

To be able to determine the scope and risk of operations and changing directions.


To be able to alter a life-threatening experience by degrees of severity and measured responses.

To decipher the past events in chronological order for inspection, review and critique and remedial correction when required.

To face these moments with courage and the spirit of examination and faith in their practices.

To be truthful in standards of operation and to act up on them while managing the risks for all on-board.

To not cause harm and to come home safe.

To be physical fit and mentally strong.

To be a diligent critical thinker.

To execute demanding vessel handling skills in dynamic conditions and maintain stability.


To do these things one must not have the audacity to claim one is a Coxswain simply through having hands on the helm, but to act out the safe behaviors and live it as a way of being.

This requires self-inspection and remarkable observation of fact, rule and danger, and an investment in preventing on-duty tragedy.

Posted: June 10, 2019

Content Creator of Rescue Water Craft and Personal Water Craft boating international education standards: Shawn Alladio is the world’s foremost authority and leading subject matter expert. She cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.


Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.


Transform potential mishaps to reliable operations by focusing on your factual goals and program needs.

No agency needs to learn from a mishap. Accident prevention is a reliable management policy. Our first goal is to prevent them from happening by possessing the fundamental knowledge base of boating safety.

Oftentimes programs are set up to fail due to a poorly aligned budget, but this may only be one element of the problem.

Sometimes the failures are from a lack of procedures that are enforced or training modules that are not helpful to the goals.

There is a lot of responsibility to manage a maritime boating unit. For Rescue Water Craft that responsibility is exceptionally high due to the nature of calls these unique small power boats will be employed.


Training does not have to be emphasized as 'on-water' a lot of updates can be done by review of material.

I spend a lot of time emphasizing annual upgrades! Stay current and understand any changes to boating laws or rules in your area.

Update your team with quizzes that keep them primed for boating safety when not on the water, such as knowing the ATONS. Aids to Navigation for both coastal or inland waterways.

When you conduct training assessments on the water, be sure to correct any mistakes and be constantly vigilant as the scrutineer of safe boating practices.

A maritime background in boating is a legacy heritage to protect so that the new water rescue community understands first hand this is not rescue, its boating handling! There is a significant difference and that is lost in translation.

Emphasize: BOATING


Have monthly review meetings regarding your program. If you program is only seasonally prepare a management policy for weekly updates to review any mishaps.

Why? We are seeing an increase in mishaps and we should be witnessing a decrease in these areas of operations. It's because of the rollover in agency personnel, not properly training up the next Coxswain generation, not having proper documentation to transfer or its outdated and incorrect.

The good news is these are very easy solutions to tackle.


Posted 1.7.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.


Maybe you are not trying hard enough? Effort needs evaluation. Evaluation needs honesty.

Have you put together your operational metrics?

Do you know what goals you need to achieve? How are you going to sustain those and translate them into operational maintenance? Well one way is to try harder but in another direction, such as maintenance review of your Rescue Water Craft program.

Perhaps you may need to review your vetting process for team members? Can you conduct remedial updates for the vetting process and items needed to ensure safety of personnel and competency? Yes you can and you should!


Returns not deficits mean your program is healthy.

This means your management process is functional. But if it isn't and you need to take on remedial action, its not difficult to increase your capability.

The good news is you can do this anytime but its preferable to have an annual review process in place.


Editing program management needs to be an annual process that begins in the last month of the year. You can easily construct a review program by looking at all your response records and any mishaps that occurred during that time or recurring mechanical issues with your Rescue Water Craft.

One area that you can make improvements on is your skills assessment.

If you do not have an update to this in the past year here are some suggestions for your consideration. Pick one simple repetitive behavior you rely upon and break it down into a skillset for qualification updates.

Trailering and On-Water Performance

Most damage that happens to a Rescue Water Craft is from poor trailering habits. Don't allow your Coxswains to turn off the Rescue Water Craft ignition before the Rescue Water Craft bow touches the trailer bunk runners.

Failure to do so will permit the Rescue Water Craft to drift off target and strike either the metal rails or bend the bunk runners. The Rescue Water Craft needs to maintain its forward movement onto the trailer bunks until the centered hull loads up onto the bunks.

It is incorrect to use thrust that would disrupt the surrounding water area with reverse use due to how the fluid dynamics are distributed this could disrupt other such as at a boat launch, create unnecessary boat handling and or off center from over correction.

Trailering -backing up, launching RWC's, loading RWC's, tie downs to RWC/Trailer (5 checked off in a row with remedial corrections and notations on skill checklist per team member.

Ensure that your team members know how to use the trailer tie downs and that they understand a soft approach to the helm/throttle management in confined areas of use.

Emphasize the depth of water to protect the water jet pump.

Make sure that the bow of the Rescue Water Craft is secure on the trailer before launching and hauling out of the water.

Each rotation have them conduct a pre-check on the boat ramp with the bilge plugs properly inserted each time. Too many Coxswains are unfamiliar with their craft features and oftentimes over tighten the bilge plugs.

This is a good example of one skillset. You can create as many as are needed and unique to your area of operation and the make model and year of your craft.

Thanks for reading this article, and for caring about your reputation and those you work with. Let us know if you have any topics you would like covered in future articles.

Posted 1.7.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.


Be Great Now.

It's a choice. Your choice requires of you to gain understanding.

The best route for you is to know mariners and surround yourself with those who are true Captains.

The rescue part is easy, anyone can do that, it may not be as special as you think if you are a professional Responder. Not when hundreds of rescues are performed by recreational operators all over the world every year.

Rescue, well that's the idea but its not the target, its not the essential element, but being a mariner, there is your greatness!



Your goal is to become a Coxswain in the maritime community using a Rescue Water Craft. Anything less is dangerous.
You operate a boat, you maintain a boat, you launch a boat, you are a boater. But not all boaters are created equal.

Some try harder and give it their all. Because they are genuine and they care.
They care about themselves, their crew and the survivors they will serve.

This is great love, because taking care of your business first is thoughtful, its not distracted. It's not just a
paycheck, its your way of being. Your calling, your occupation!

Slow down your learning on the front side so you can wind up on the back side. Scaling your education is the endurance
of competency.

Posted 1.7.2019

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



2018 JpBOT

This JPBOT seminar is a course to train small boat operators (Captains) who have acquired necessary knowledge and skills with a view to a safe and effective public use of small vessels, and the graduates are qualified in small boat operations. This is a seminar organized by JBPOT to certify as a professional (Professional Operator).

1. What is JPBOT?

JPBOT (Japan Professional Boat Operator Training Center) contributes to water safety and safe operations through the training of pilots who publicly use small vessels to develop water-saving rescue boats, and is aiming to prevent water- accidents.

(Partnership) It is a cooperative management organization by three organizations:
- Japan Marine Recreation Association (JMRA)
- Marine Sports Foundation (MARIS)
- Rescue Water Craft Association Japan (RWCAJ)

Thank you to Yamaha Motors Corporation on the JPBOT 1st training introduction in Hamamatsu.

2. Course Training

Small salvage pilot boat pilot • Awareness & basic level course (RWC: Rescue Water Craft)

(1) Stage 1: Awareness Level
① Attitude as captain
② Knowledge and skills required as pilots of small hydraulic rescue boat

(2) Stage 2: Basic level
① Handling of small boats required for pilots of small hydraulic rescue boat
② Small boat pilot boat pilot required for pilots

* This seminar will be subject to completion examination of department and practical skills to confirm knowledge · skill acquisition status when approving.

3. Date and time
2 days
(1) November 3 (Saturday): Stage - 1 8: 30 ~ 17: 00
(2) November 4 (Sun): Stage -2 9: 00 ~ 17: 00

4. Location
Shizuoka prefectural three-day youth house Shizuoka prefecture Hamamatsu city Kita-ku Tsuzuki Town Tsuzuki 523-1
Our facilities can accommodate meals • stay (shared room). We will inform you after applying.

5. Attendance qualification
· Be a holder of a water licensee's motorized driver's license
· Be over 18 years old

6. Amount of money
50,000 yen (tax included)

7. Payee
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Shintomicho Branch Normal 0000837
Marine Sports Foundation of Public Interest Foundation

8. Application · Inquiries
Marine Sports Foundation of Public Interest Foundation
Officer: Yoshimura

TEL: 03-3454-1151 / FAX: 03-3454-1152
Application for attendance download
Please fill in the necessary information and send it to fax or email (information@maris.or.jp).

National Boat Education

1. JPBOTとは?
JPBOT(Japan Professional Boat Operator Training center)は、公的に小型船舶を使用する水難救助艇操縦士の育成を通じて水上安全や安全運航に貢献し、水難•海難事故の防止を図る事を目的とした、(一財)日本海洋レジャー安全•振興協会、(一社)日本小型水難救助艇協会、(公財)マリンスポーツ財団の3団体連携による協同運営組織です。
(1)11月3日(土):ステージ-1  8:30~17:00
(2)11月4日(日):ステージ-2  9:00~17:00
静岡県立三ヶ日青年の家 静岡県浜松市北区三ヶ日町都筑523−1

三菱UFJ銀行 新富町支店 普通0000837



Posted: 10.27.2018

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Identify Your Weak Operators. Identify your role as team leader or administrator.

Strength and Weakness are reciprocal. Insert either word and we still discover the same framework of concern.

How much foundational knowledge do you possess to manage a Marine Unit?

What is an Marine Unit Administrator? What is a Coxswain? They are the Operator. They are the Captain. They are in charge of the Crew. They are in charge of the ship (Rescue Water Craft). It is important to identify your weak Coswains for a variety of reasons:

1. Reduction of liability through competence
2. Teaming (building a cohesive unit)
3. Safety at Sea
4. Operational Integrity
5. Mentoring
6. Operational Acumen

It is the precision of opposites we identify. We can easily state this is the same 6 criterion needs for a strong operator or crew!


When you can identify the weakness in your Operators you have a distinct advantage to identify the complimentary strengths in your team. This is something that needs to be conducted periodically.

How can you make an assessment?

1. Review the condition of the Rescue Water Craft(s)
2. Review the condition of the trailering and Transport equipment
3. Quiz the Operators
4. Skillset assess monthly the technical ability of your team
5. Rate the level of competency and assign the rating in the database
6. Describe the shortcomings and capabilities, make improvement on both!
7. Assign degrees of performance related to service work

If you have an Operator that is identified as problematic in techincal skills, but is high in managing equipment, perhaps a reassignment is necessary? Where are their strengths? What are they comfortable doing? What are the uncomfortable doing?

Provide an honest counseling session regarding performance, executive and completion of all tasks. Ask them if they would be willing to take on another level and manage that specific area of the program. Correlate that with documentation that will verify their factual performance and related success or defaults.

It is important that an administrator oversees and inspects the performance of the team, leaders and program guidelines.

You may need an outside program assessor to partner with who is unbiased but willing to check deficiencies that could lead to a lawsuit, injury, death or program destruction. There is nothing wrong with this, but everything goes wrong when it's not in place and considered important.

K38 Jet Ski Training


Strength is a needed ingredient in program management and sustainability, but how do we measure strength?

Is id conducted by setting a program and essentially abandoning it year after year because its always been that way or do we determine to investigate the program failures and success?

That begins with the personnel in charge. Whether administrators, operators, crew or mechanics the teaming aspect is critical for future safety as well as present safety and program sustainability.

Make a commitment right now to review your Rescue Water Craft program.

Interview your team.

Ask them what they think is working well and what areas they would like to see changes.

Be courageous and represent integrity, as you may be saving one of your team members reputation or your own.

Care About Your Team


Conduct periodic program reviews. Inspect equipment. Look at mishap or injury reports. Get the entire team together and ask them to share with you their concerns. Do they have adequate budget? Do they have the right equipment? Is the service of the boats adequate? Do they believe their skills are competent?

Review other mishaps. Can you see your team in the video or storyline?

...Otherwise the door is open for a mishap.

Don't wait until you have to learn from a lesson.

Take the lessons now and make a plan. A solid plan.

People do not have to get hurt, Rescue Water Craft do not have to be damaged to learn a lessonM, nor reputations damaged.

Backing up and slowing down your program flow can save your department and your staff intense grief and discouragement.

Review your mishaps. The story is in the actions and the subsequent behaviors can be alerted.

Ask us how we know?

Good luck, we wish you a safe and noble program that you are proud of and your people are operating safely!

Posted: 10.27.2018

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.



Identify Your Strong Coxswains.

What is a Coxswain? They are the Operator. They are the Captain. They are in charge of the Crew. They are in charge of the ship (Rescue Water Craft). It is important to identify your strong Coswains for a variety of reasons:

1. Reduction of liability through competence
2. Teaming (building a cohesive unit)
3. Safety at Sea
4. Operational Integrity
5. Mentoring
6. Operational Acumen


When you can identify the strength in your Operators you have a distinct advantage to identify the complimentary deficiencies in your team. This is something that needs to be conducted periodically.

How can you make an assessment?

1. Review the condition of the Rescue Water Craft(s)
2. Review the condition of the trailering and Transport equipment
3. Quiz the Operators
4. Skillset assess monthly the technical ability of your team
5. Rate the level of competency and assign the rating in the database
6. Describe the shortcomings and capabilities, make improvement on both!
7. Assign degrees of performance related to service work

If you have an Operator that is identified as problematic in techincal skills, but is high in managing equipment, perhaps a reassignment is necessary? Where are their strengths? What are they comfortable doing? What are the uncomfortable doing?

Provide an honest counseling session regarding performance, executive and completion of all tasks. Ask them if they would be willing to take on another level and manage that specific area of the program. Correlate that with documentation that will verify their factual performance and related success or defaults.

It is important that an administrator oversees and inspects the performance of the team, leaders and program guidelines.

K38 Jet Ski Training


Strength is a needed ingredient in program management and sustainability, but how do we measure strength?

Is id conducted by setting a program and essentially abandoning it year after year because its always been that way or do we determine to investigate the program failures and success?

That begins with the personnel in charge. Whether administrators, operators, crew or mechanics the teaming aspect is critical for future safety as well as present safety and program sustainability.

Make a commitment right now to review your Rescue Water Craft program.

Interview your team.

Ask them what they think is working well and what areas they would like to see changes.

Be courageous and represent integrity, as you may be saving one of your team members reputation or your own.

Care About Your Team


...Otherwise the door is open for a mishap.

Don't wait until you have to learn from a lesson.

Take the lessons now and make a plan. A solid plan.

People do not have to get hurt, Rescue Water Craft do not have to be damaged to learn a lesson.

Today there are service providers such as K38 who have gone through the scale of difficulty and formatted procedures that
protect reputation, reduce risk of injury and accident and are on the frontline of knowledge.

If you do not have a subject matter expert on your staff who is invested in the Rescue Water Craft community and can represent 100 questions that are accurate about a Rescue Water Craft, 200 questions about the environment and 500 questions about how this lines up accidents, you may need to reach out and have your program reviewed.

Backing up and slowing down your program flow can save your department and your staff intense grief and discouragement.

Review your mishaps. The story is in the actions and the subsequent behaviors can be alerted.

Ask us how we know?

Good luck, we wish you a safe and noble program that you are proud of and your people are operating safely!

Posted: 10.27.2018

Have any questions? Join the Rescue Water Craft Association
and discover what your community is doing to modernize standards, safety and reduce liability!
Join the Rescue Water Craft Association

Content Creator: Shawn Alladio cares most about her community and the culture surrounding the safety of event service providers and Rescue Water Craft operators, working hard and dedicated towards protecting their reputation, distributing safety information and continuing to train these amazing individuals to the highest standards of care.

Use at your own risk. Please take a qualified Rescue Water Craft training course and maintain proper records and respect all the PWC, RWC, PPE, and gear OEM manufacturer warning labels and cautions.